Chapter 17

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So I've decided to kinda work the whole Matt-Violet-Ava thing to make the story a bit longer so hopefully that works and you all like it!

Ava -------------------------------->

*Juliet's POV*

 “Josh come back here! You are such a cheater!” I yelled. We’d been walking through the park and saw a hot chocolate stand and decided to race and Josh took off before I’d said go. “You’re such a fucking cheater!” I took a shortcut so I could catch up and jumped on Josh’s back, catching him off guard so he fell onto the ground. I laughed and rolled off him.

 “That wasn’t very nice,” Josh pouted.

 “Well you cheated so…”

 “Fair enough,” Josh wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest and kissed my cheek. “I’m so excited to go to the cabin”

“Mmm don’t get your hopes up Ramsay”

 “What? I was not even thinking about that! I’m excited about having you all to myself for a couple days, no distractions, no fiancé, no problems. Just you and me,” I smiled.

 “Well in that case I’m excited too,” Josh leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Oh and guess who I sort of hung out with a couple days ago?”



 “What? Really? Why?”

 “The night we went to that singing thing after Derrick dragged me home he hit me and I called Violet and…she has a kid Josh…and it’s Matt’s”

 “What? Nobody’s seen Violet in years!”

 “I know. She said it was after I left and I guess they slept together and the condom broke or something and she got pregnant and left. But you can’t tell Matt ok? I shouldn’t even be telling you this”

 “What? Jules we have to tell Matt! It’s his kid! He has a right to know about his own kid!”

 “Well we should go and talk to Violet and try to convince her to tell Matt”

 “That’s a good idea. C’mon Jules, lead the way!”


 “No! I’m not doing it! I won’t do it!”

 “Violet she’s his kid! You have to tell him or we will!”

 “He’ll hate me!”

 “He’ll hate you even more if he finds out years from now! And what about Ava? Don’t you think she’ll hate you too if she finds out you kept her father from her? She needs her dad in her life Violet!” Violet pursed her lips and was silent for a few moments. From the kitchen I could hear Josh playing with Ava in her room.

 “Fine. We’ll take Ava to meet Matt!” I smiled and clapped. Violet rolled her eyes and went to get her daughter.


 “Mommy where are we going?” Ava asked.

 “Avalon I already told you that we’re going to go see your daddy,” Violet said.

“But you said daddy was working  and couldn’t see us!”

 “I know I did but now he can so we’re going to go see him!”

 “Yayyy!” Ava turned her head to Josh. “Do you know my daddy uncle Josh?”

 “I do. He’s a very good friend of mine. You’ll love him,” Ava smiled and clapped her hands. Soon enough we were pulling up in front of Matt’s apartment building and helping Ava out of the car. Violet held Ava’s hand tightly as Josh and I led the way. Josh had called ahead to tell Matt that we were coming over. We decided it’d be best if Josh and I went in first then called Violet and Ava in.

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