Chapter 5

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So this chapter is longer than the rest because I just started writing and kept writing and well...this is the outcome I guess. OH OH OH OH AND THE GRAMMYS ARE THIS SUNDAY AND YOU BETTER ALL BE WATCHING CAUSE RAMSAY'S NOMINATED!

Mike ------------------------>

*Juliet's POV*

Turns out I was wrong. Over the past two weeks Derrick and I ran into either Josh or his band mates everywhere. Derrick was becoming fast friends with Matt and they always had coffee together and went to the bar sometimes. It was weird. I tried busying myself with the fact that Derrick’s brother, Dylan, was coming in a matter of 16 hours and the apartment still wasn’t ready for his arrival. I’d tried to get Derrick to go out and buy some new sheets specifically used for the couch but he was too busy with his new best friend. We’d been arguing a lot and it usually ended with Derrick storming out and being gone for hours while I wrote lyric after lyric. I wasn’t used to being yelled at like this, Josh had never once raised his voice to me and it startled me when Derrick did. It was always over stupid things too like why you didn’t get the laundry done or why the dishes aren’t clean etc. I called Natalie a lot after Derrick left and she comforted me. I didn’t have any friends in Vancouver anymore, I hadn’t even contacted my sisters yet or anybody else in my family.

“Juliet! I’m leaving for the bar with Matt! I don’t know when I’ll be home!” Derrick called from the hall.

“Okay,” I muttered, not caring if he heard me or not. I pulled up my old email account from when I was with Josh,, and searched through my contacts to find my sisters emails. I found them and clicked ‘New’ and began typing.

Jenny and Jasmine…

I know you’re probably not expecting to hear anything from me but…I’m back and I wanted to know if it’d be possible if we could meet up for coffee. I have changed my email so if you want to contact me from now on you can reach me at and we can talk about coffee. I promise I had a good reason for leaving and a good reason for coming back. I realize you’ll probably want to yell at me and you’ll be mad, especially you Jazzy, and you have every reason to. I just want to see you two…I also have something to ask you.

Love, Juliet

I clicked send and waited for a reply. I sat and continuously refreshed the page till my inbox said (1) in bold writing. I quickly opened the email from Jenny.


Regarding coffee I suppose I can take some time off work tomorrow at around noon if that works with you and Jasmine. About you leaving, I don’t really care why you left I’m just happy you came back but I am quite saddened about your email change and would like an explanation to this whole mess.

Sincerely yours,


I sighed. Jenny was always an optimistic person and I was glad that hadn’t changed. I typed a reply saying noon worked we’d just have to see about Jasmine and gave her my phone number so she could call me when needed. I closed my laptop and went to the kitchen to make some tea to calm my nerves. When the buzzer for our apartment buzzed I was slightly annoyed someone had disturbed me.

“Hello?” I said into the little voice box.

“Juliet?” A male voice said from the other side.


“Can I come up?”

“Who’s this?”

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