39- Jesse's Injury (Jesse)

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Y/N POV: Me and Jesse were sat in the buggy talking about random things

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Me and Jesse were sat in the buggy talking about random things.
"I'm glad today isn't as busy as a normal day" he says
"Yeah me too" I say
"Well great I just jinxed it, now I've got two people out back" Jesse says taking of his gear and running into the water, I had the binos and radioed the tower to tell them the situation.
"Hey Y/N it's going to be a mass rescue get a board and paddle out to him, I'll send Wippet and Mario down to you" Harries says, and I take my gear off and run to get a rescue board. I get it and run into the water with it, moving towards Jesse and his patients, since he had 4 on his board now.
"Y/N out back there's 2 more" he says and I paddle off towards them. It was two teens doing the fricking in the back but fell of the sand bank, I just quickly took them back in, without trying to be sick everywhere, since it was the most awkward experience I've ever had.

I took them in like a textbook rescue and then saw Wippet and Mario paddling for more people, since this rip came out of nowhere, dragging people from the middle sets of flags out towards South and losing the sand bank.
Jesse had 6 people on his board so I went to help him before his board was packed and they all get hurt.
"Hey two of you come here" I say and take them to shore quickly as possible my arms were burning from paddling back in and back out, but Jesse needed my help.
I took another two people onto my board and Jesse could now take the other two back to shore, we were going in but a wave hit us so we all hit the rocks. We quickly recovered and took them in.

"You guys please don't go back into the water yet there's a new rip out so we're going to have to move the flag and find a safer space for you all to swim. In you feel sick or cough up water come to the tower or go to the hospital" I tell them getting my breathe back. They all nod and head to wherever they left their stuff on the beach.
"God I've just died" I breathe out, trying to make sure I can control my breathing, my arms felt really sore but i was used to them hurting after mass rescues. I turn to Jesse who went and sat in the rhino and he had blood running down his face.

"Jesse!?" I run towards him and I pull his face towards me.
"Y/N what?" He says too tired from the rescue to even know what's wrong.
"You have blood all over you but don't worry, let's get you up to the tower and I'll check it for you okay..?" I say kinda freaked out but tried to keep calm for him.
I quickly radio the tower to tell them we're coming up.
"Canham to tower, we're coming up Jesse's got a nasty cut on his head there's a lot of blood" I say and Harries tells me to bring him up immediately and he's sending a team to where we were positioned.
"Come on Jesse, stand up for me we have to walk up them steps" I take a hold of his hand, and sling his arm over my shoulder, and help him up the stairs and onto the medical bed.

"Imma look for the cut okay baby" I say to him pecking his lip since he was pouting, it makes him smile and I put on gloves and look for the cut. Mario came as back up and helped me clean it up. It was quite big but it wasn't deep that it needed stitches so I just quickly glue him up and wrap it up.
"All done" I say wiping away some of the blood that was in his hair and on his face.
"Thanks Y/N!" He says and we move him into the window area of the tower sitting him down.

Me and Mario leave and finish our shift.
"He's going to be okay Y/N don't worry" Mario says to me and I nod, and head down to where I was stationed.
"Hey Y/N is Jesse okay?" Max and Jake ask.
"Yeah he's fine I sorted his cut out it's not deep and he seems fine, so nothing should be wrong" I say
"Well thats good to hear" Max says hugging me
"Yeah come on let's get back to work" I say not wanting to think about Jesse being hurt.
We keep the beach safe for a little while longer until it's finally 6pm and we can start to head home, I go up to the tower and see Jesse say by the window working up there with Harries.

"You good bra?" I say to him and let out a little chuckle at how cringe that was.
"Splendid" he says in a British accent and pulling me onto his lap.
"Stop with the PDA, we would like to keep our eyes" Jake says.
"Jake let them have there cute coupley moments just because you lonely and have no one to do it to doesn't mean you can stop others" Max says slapping his arm.

"Ouch okay whatever you say" Jake says
"Holy fuck no!!" I say making everyone's attention be brought to me, I get up from Jesse's lap and run over to Jake.
"Jakey likes somebody!!" I start squealing like a little girl, he covers my mouth and I lick his hand so he lets go.
"EW Y/N!!" Jake yells going towards the medical bay to wash his hand
"You better give me all the detailsss" I say
"Hmm maybe I will later okay I'll text you or FaceTime you"
"Eeek I'm so excited!! Omg now we can go on dates together!!" I say
"We can go on dates together!!!" Jake starts fangirling.
"You better give me all the juice and let me meet her!! Have you been on a date yet??"
"No I haven't asked her out just have a crush on her" he says pouting
"Awhhh my likkle babyy your growing up" I say making puppy dog eyes.
"Go take your boyfriend home make sure he's okay, send him to bed and then I'll call you"
"Speak to you later bestie" I did our little hand shake and went back to Jesse.
"Come on pretty boy let's get you home" I say, he stands up and grabs his work stuff and we head out of the tower hand in hand.
The streets were beautiful, the atmosphere was amazing, the sun was setting and everything seemed so peaceful.

Once we got to Jesse's house, I pulled him into the kitchen and made him sit down while I went and got some medical supplies for me to clean his cut.
"Babe, I'm going to clean it for you okay, it might sting a little bit" I say and he nods
"I trust you Y/N don't worry" he says and I take off the bandage he had on and as quick as possible I cleaned his cut up, making sure I didn't hurt him too much.
"There all good, now make sure you don't get it wet for the next 24 hours and it maybe itchy and uncomfortable but don't touch it or it won't heal properly, it will come off on its own in 4-7 days time" I tell him

"Your the prettiest doctor I have ever had you know that?" Jesse says
"Yeah because my family doctor was a male and you're the only female doctor that has ever treated me" he says
"Wow.. unfortunately you're not the prettiest lifeguard I've ever met" I say
"Gosh darn it! Is it cause of Jules?"
"Nah Harries, Jules is second though" I say making him laugh.
We both head to the bedroom where I left Jesse to sleep

Sorry I haven't posted recently haven't been feeling well at all after getting the COVID Vaccine

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Sorry I haven't posted recently haven't been feeling well at all after getting the COVID Vaccine.
How are you all though? And are you guys planning on getting the vaccine too?

Also my next chapter will be a Multi Lifeguard chapter where I talk about the same scenario just with different lifeguards I've done it before (if you want to read them or if you are confused just check out chapter 10, 20 and 30)
So give me lifeguard suggestions.

Furthermore, thank you all for the recent support I've had over 20 odd people add my story to their reading list and just want to say if you follow me I do post questions about the book frequently and it's easier for me to communicate with readers rather than doing these random author notes x

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