41- Kiwi (Harrison)

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TW: abuse/ fights Taylor's POV: After getting into the 3rd fight of the day with my drunk father at home I decided I needed to leave the house so he could be a mess at home by himself without me being in the way

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TW: abuse/ fights
Taylor's POV:
After getting into the 3rd fight of the day with my drunk father at home I decided I needed to leave the house so he could be a mess at home by himself without me being in the way. I had put on makeup to cover any bruises on my face and a bikini even though I knew I wouldn't get into the water due to all the bruises I had from being a human punch bag.

I kept my head low down so people wouldn't be able to see my face, suddenly I collide with a person and I fall onto the ground.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard a man with an unfamiliar accent says
"Why does everyone keep asking me that, I'm fine!" Which I immediately regret so I quickly started rambling

"Sorry.. I'm fine, I think so, Are you okay? Im so sorry, I wasn't paying attention"
"Hey.." He said softly, he bent down next to me and cupped my face in his hands, I looked up at him and met his face he was really tan, had sparkling dark green eyes, which were covered a bit by his brunette with a tinge of ginger hair, he was pouting his lips trying to examine if I was okay.
Me being an idiot replies "h-h-hey" like I was star struck over his face and that nothing happened 5 seconds ago and I wasn't still on the floor.

"I'm perfectly fine, you don't need to worry you were the one who fell over, i wasn't paying attention either so there is no need for an apology" he says in his cute accent.
"Um.. I'm so sorry" I was embarrassed and just wanted to crawl up in a ball and die.
"I'm Harrison, you are..?"
"I'm Taylor!" I scramble out barley
"Well nice to meet you Taylor, what's brought you down here?" He smiles
I look down at myself and then back up at him, "nothing"
"Oh so talking to Australia's favourite kiwi lifeguard is nothing then ey?!" Giving me a cheeky grin
"Sorry I didn't mean it like that!"
"It's fine I meant it as a joke, now stop apologising every ten seconds, now come on let's get you up" he lightly laughs pulling me up in one go and setting me on my feet, his hands were on my arms.
"Sorr-" I giggled remembering I nearly said sorry again looking down at the ground I decided to end the conversation.

"Uhh I need to go now bye" I say awkwardly
"Well then see you around Taylor"
"You too Australia's favourite kiwi lifeguard"
"Haha so funny"
"Hey you deserve it" I laughed
"I really like you Taylor, you got a good sense of humour"
"Thanks I guess" I say confused, walked away from him and headed towards south Bondi, I turn around to see him stood there still looking at me, with the biggest grin on his face which was really cute, i send him a cheeky smile making him smile more.

I make my way down to South Bondi to find a spot to sit at and calm down my nerves from earlier on, all I wanted to do was escape from Bondi and away from all the toxic people in my life. All I know is that it won't be anytime soon due to my financial struggles.
I decided to head down to the shore for a quick paddle on my surf board but I stopped knowing I couldn't take my shirt off from bruises I had.

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