11- Traniee Crush (Maxi)

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Y/N POV: "Wake up hunny" my mum says shaking me I push her away from me and throw my pillow at her

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"Wake up hunny" my mum says shaking me I push her away from me and throw my pillow at her.
"Go away!" I say as laughters fill the room. I open one eye and see it was coming from the mum's brothers Dean, also known as Uncle Deano the oldest of the bunch and fitness maniac. Anthony who is known as Uncle Harries, he was mum's favourite brother because they both go to get tans together and then Uncle Andrew also known as Uncle Reidy the baby of the pack but my favourite of the pack! Mum was the second oldest in between Deano and Harries.

"Up" I say opening both my eyes and Reidy walks towards me and jumps onto my bed.
"Hey baby girl"
"Hey Uncle Reidy!" I say as I get up
"Get ready! Your dad's day off so we're going to hang out at the beach because he doesn't want to leave Kerrbox in charge!" My mum says
"Well if he doesn't trust Kerrbox to be head lifeguard for a day how does he trust him to be my godfather?"
"Yeah it should have been me!" Harries says
"No! You would kill her with tan!" Deano says and he was not wrong.
"Deano you're just saying that cause your the oldest! Your all old and your going to die before me so I should be the god father!" Reidy states.
"Look what you started Y/N" my mum sighs
"It's not my fault blame it on grandpa and grandma! They had them!" I say I get out of bed and run into the bathroom
I get ready for the day and then head downstairs to eat"

"Morning Miss Y/N Hopkins" My dad says bowing as if he's a waiter
"Good morning Bruce Banner" I say wiping the green smoothie he made off his nose.
"Thank you love" he says hugging me
"Why do we have to go to the beach?" I ask him
"Your mum wants to go...?" He says
"Don't lie Bruce!" My mum says
"Sorry Y/M/N!" He says
"Oh Maxi will be there!!" Reidy says winking at me making me blush immediately just thinking about him. Reidy was the only person I had told about my crush on Maxi! I didn't even tell him he snooped through my phone texts and saw me messaging my best friend about a new cute trainee down at the beach.

"Y/N!" My dad says
"Whaaaaat?" I say hiding my now red face.
"You like Maxi? The new trainee? Really? Wtaf? I thought you being related to me would have got you better taste" harries says
"That guys can't even do a bloody rescue without nose diving!" Reidy says
"I thought you had a crush on Jesse! Dang it!" Deano says and passes Harries a 5 dollar bill.
"Don't swear one front of my daughter boys!" Mum says
"Why did you bet on me? Jesse is my best friend asshole!" I say rolling my eyes
"Language Y/N!" Mum shouts at me
"Sorry mum" I say

"Hoppo you alright mate?" Deano says we turn to him and he looks a lot more pale than before
"Okay I need to go to work! Now Y/M/N! I'm about to fire Maxi!" My dad says
"Y/N!" He mimicked the way I said dad
"Muuum!" I say
"Hunny shes 16 she is going to fancy someone! You can't keep her from having a boyfriend or doing all the things normal teens do!"
"Exactly!" I say
"Her life is normal! She's going to school! She has a phone to talk to her friends on! I let her hang out with friends on the beach!" Dad says
"On the beach where you always are along with all of them! No offence guys!" I say motioning towards Deano, Harries and Reidy.
"It's cool" Harries says
"She's kinda got a point there.." Reidy says
"No she doesn't Reidy!" Dad says
"Hoppo she kinda does.. she's always hanging out with her friends where her dad, 3 uncles and godfather are 24/7 and can watch her every step! And not to mention the other boys are like her protective older brothers!" Deano says
"Yeah dad.. do you not trust me?" I say guilt tripping him with little watery eyes
"Hunny of course I trust you! It's just you are my little precious baby! My only child! I don't know what I would do if you got hurt!" He says pulling me into a hug.
"Dad.. I want to be me.. not a mini less hairy and missing parts version of you" I say and he lets out a small chuckle
"I know baby I love you"
"I love you too"
"Fine maybe I'll let you date Maxi"
"But?" I say waiting for him to finish
"But if he hurts you, I will hurt him and he will end up jobless and balls less" my dad says
"Amen Hoppo!" Reidy says and the other do the same

Time skip:
We arrive at the beach and head into the tower to see Kerrbox, Jesse and Maxi up there
"Hey guys!" I say as I walk in behind everyone else, my eyes immediately locks with the shirtless Maxi, his hair was wet and so was everything else, I started to blush hard and found it hard to turn away.
I stop drooling over him when my dad throws a shirt at him.
Maxi doesn't question it since my dad was his boss.
I walk towards Kerrbox and he hugs me.
"Ahhh my favourite god daughter!" He says spinning me
"I'm your only god daughter!" I say
"Hey Y/N!"Jesse says hugging me
"Hey Jesse!" I say I then go to hug Maxi.
"Hey.." I say
"Morning Y/N you look really pretty today!" He says and I bite my lip trying to stop blushing.
"Thanks Maxi you don't look bad yourself" I say smiling at him, I go sit down next to him and he starts to talk.
"Uhhh Y/N I'm not trying to make anything awkward but do you like me..?" He asks and I freeze.
"Uhhh where did you get that theory from..?" I ask him
"Um yesterday a couple of the boys were at Chappo's place and they were all getting drunk and they may not may have not been talking about it for like over an hour.." he says scratching the back of his head.
"Oh.. do you um like me?" I ask him our faces really close together now
"Uhh.." he stutters and it shatters my heart.
"Oh for god sake both of you! Just admit you like eachother!!" Jesse says
"Wait so you do like me?!" Me and Maxi say at the same time
"Of course I do!" We say again

"Well yeah Y/N I think you're really pretty but you are like related to the top 4 lifeguards on the beach and Kerrbox is your godfather who's a surfing legend and is one of the best lifeguards on the beach! I'm just a trainee that wears too much sun block and gets pranked 24/7" he says
"I think it's cause Kerrbox knew I had a crush on you sorry for the burnt chicken one" I say to him giggling.
"Well I'll forgive you if you let me take you on a date.." he says
"Well I'll let you take me on a date if you can sweep me off my feet" I say he stands up and picks me up spinning me and I start to laugh and how much of an idiot he is.
"Did it work?" He asks and I nod yes.
"Break her heart Maxi and your going to get fired" my dad says and my uncles and godfather nod their heads to his statement.
"Dad!" I shout and the whole tower bursts out laughing.
I leave the tower and head down to the beach where I am teased and given the 'boyfriend talk'

Thank you to The Vamps for sponsoring this episode 😉I'd be shit scared to be Maxi 😂Kinda want to do a part 2 of this one tho! Like when they become official or summa! Idk

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Thank you to The Vamps for sponsoring this episode 😉
I'd be shit scared to be Maxi 😂
Kinda want to do a part 2 of this one tho!
Like when they become official or summa! Idk

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