3- Cheating (Jethro and Jesse)

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Shirley's POV: "Come on Shirley lets go stand up near those rocks and get at least one good looking photograph" Macy my sister says to me, she was a short, pale, red hair with green eyes and a her body was really curvy

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Shirley's POV:
"Come on Shirley lets go stand up near those rocks and get at least one good looking photograph" Macy my sister says to me, she was a short, pale, red hair with green eyes and a her body was really curvy. I was the opposite, tall, thin with olive skin jet black hair with pink highlights and brown eyes. We moved to Bondi originally from New York City, because my mom got divorced and is originally from here and wanted us to meet her side of the family. We've been living here for 5 months now, I settled down pretty easily I had a job in a cafe, a boyfriend, the only problem there was was the fact that they called flip flops things here so every time someone says they've got pair of their favourite thongs on I immediately think undergarments. My mum was exactly like me, if you couldn't tell Macy was adopted that's why we look nothing alike.
"Fine, just a couple it looks really unsafe up there" I say
We start to walk down the beach and then climb onto the slippery rocks since waves kept wetting them.
We get a couple of pictures and then we start making our way back.
Macy ran back in while I picked up my bodyboard that I had put to the sides of the rocks to stop it from ruining pictures.
She was being lectured by a lifeguard with black hair, and sexy tattoos which made him look like that bad boy type, I could see his piercing blue eyes from where I was standing which was about 5 meters away. He looked up at me and our eyes met making the butterflies in my stomach irrupt into a frenzy.
All of a sudden everything goes pitch black.

Jesse's POV:
It was just a normal plain day down at the beach until a beautiful girl and her friend walked passed our buggy to climb onto flat rocks, I kept staring at her body as her friend took pictures of her posing. I mean man she really stood out she was tall, thin and had really tan skin, her best features were her so dark lustful brown eyes, her hair made her stand out since it was pink but it easily complimented her everything..
"Hey Jesse mate stop drooling over them and go tell them to come back in" Maxi my best friend said through the radio
The cute girls friend started to walk back in so I walked up to her and told her not to climb onto the rocks again because they are dangerous and always the cause of a broken bone or dislocation on the beach.
I look up towards the girl and her brown eyes bore into mine, that was until a really strong wave hit her and pushed her down and knocked her out.
"Holy shit Shirley!!" Her friend screamed I ran to the girl as fast as possible when I got to her I did a quick medical assessment, she was fully knocked out, her beautiful face and body was covered in small cuts from the rocks and she had a dislocated shoulder.
"Shirley can you hear me..?" I asked her and I had no response from her, I had to get her out of the rocks since they were dangerous so I picked her up carefully trying not to hurt her and took her back to the buggy.
Jethro came running down the beach.
"Shirley!! Macy, Jesse what happened!!" He asked panicked
"A wave hit her pretty hard mate and she fell she dislocated her shoulder and then she's got a couple of small cuts everywhere.
"Jethro..?" Shirley says waking up and coming around
"Hey babe, I'm here with my friend Jesse"
"My shoulder is killing me baby" she says reaching out for his hand, which felt like I was being stabbed straight into the heart.
I quickly took them up to the tower and then made her a green whistle, she was sat on the medical bed with Jethro.
"Wanna be my boyfriend?" She asks all the boys in the tower except Jethro.
She asks me and I say yeah and Jethro gives me a glare and then a small chuckle
"Hey how bad is the pain?" I ask her
"Measure on the scale of how bad and good Jethro is in the bedroom Shirley!" Maxi teases our new trainee
"The pain is worse than he is" she says completely out of it. Making us boys start laughing and Jethro go red
"You are so lucky" I say to Jethro
"Yeah I know man even if she just said I'm bad at sex"
The paramedics arrive to place her shoulder back into place and she kept screaming, Jethro had held her other hand down, I had to give her another green whistle and the paramedics gave her really strong pain meds and they tried their hardest but couldn't put it back into place.
"We're going to have to take her to the hospital" the female paramedic says
"No- no I don't want to go Jethro! Stop them!" She shouts
"She has a fear of hospitals. Can you just try again here?" Jethro says
"No we can't! She has to come with us we can give her better treatment at the hospital"
"Jethro! Please don't let them take me from you!" She was shouting and in so much pain
"You have to go babe.. you're in pain I'll come see you after my shift is done"
"No please come with me! I don't want to go alone!" She says
"Babe I've got to work! Just grow up it's a stupid fear!" He says
"Hey mate! She's scared I know she's your girlfriend and all but don't talk to her like that" I say butting into the conversation
"Since you know how to treat my girlfriend right why don't you go with her then!" Jethro screams at me
"Since it's the end of my shift and she's really scared I will!" I scream at him
"Boys! Calm down! I know this is a stressful situation but stop fighting! We have a patient to deal with!" Hoppo says breaking us apart and Jethro storms out of the tower.
I turn my attention back on to my patient and try to help her I grab her hand and rub her knuckles trying to calm her down.
"Hey I'm Jesse the lifeguard that helped you on the rocks, I'm a mate of Jethro's and I want to help you.. I've finished my shift do you want me to come stay with you at the hospital?" I say to her and she nods yes.
"Please it would mean the whole world.." she says
"Let's go then" the paramedic says
They get Shirley onto the bed and then into the back of the ambulance and I sit with her holding onto her hand.
We arrive at the hospital and they immediately put her to sleep and take her up to the theatre for surgery on her arm to put it back in place.
After an hour they bring her back to her room.
"She's still on a lot of medicine but she will be up in no time" the doctor says and I nod and then she leaves the room.
I go sit by her staring at her face, she was pouting which made her look adorable.
"Jesse..?" She says softly which breaks me out of my thoughts.
"Shirley hey.." I say and help her sit up.
"Has Jethro not come..?" She says and I nod my head no
"No he hasn't.." I say sadly and she starts to tear up I immediately rush to her side to comfort her.
"Hey it's okay don't cry.." I say
"Did you know he was cheating on me.." she says
"No no I didn't!" I say
"I can't believe he went to her instead of coming to the hospital for me.." she said
"I might have not known you for very long but you're so beautiful and have a great personality and smile.. you deserve better if he's doing that.." I say to her, my eyes meeting hers..
She looks down at my lips and then back up at my eyes and starts leaning in closer, and something in my body makes me lean in closer too.
Our lips touch and passion runs through my body and hers too, I move my hands to her waist and pull her body to mine sitting her on my lap closing any space in between us.
"Sorry.." she says and I let out a chuckle
"Don't be I really liked it.." I say giving her a short kiss again
We just cuddle together until the doctor comes in and tells us she can go home and her arm is now perfectly fine, but has to rest it for a couple of days
"My place..?" I say to her
"Easy tiger" she says smirking at me
"Hey now you don't know if that's what I meant! I could have just wanted you over for dinner" I say
"I don't do dinners especially not without dessert" she says
"Easy tiger" I say and she rolls her eyes
We get into a cab and it takes us all the way back to my house.
We thank the driver and then walk into my house.

Shirley's POV:
"Ladies first" he says letting me inside, I head inside and take a look at the place.
Jesse follows in closing the door and then pulls on my waist pushing me towards the now closer door.
We start to have a heavy make out session and he picks me up and we make our way to his bedroom.
"Fuck Jesse, dessert before dinner?" I say as he towers over me
"I mean why not treat ourselves" he says and then starts attacking my neck with wet kisses.
I run my hands through his hair and then he pulls my shirt off and I pull his off.
One by one every piece of clothing that was on our body came off and the night was full of pleasure.
We both laid on his bed tried from our highs.
"So dinner?" He says
"Yeah let's go.." I say

For Shirley she wanted a smut but I find that shit tooo awkward to write about

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For Shirley she wanted a smut but I find that shit tooo awkward to write about.

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