16- The famous three (Noah and Chase)

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Y/N POV: "Hey Y/N guess what!!" My best friend Chase runs up to me in the school corridors

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"Hey Y/N guess what!!" My best friend Chase runs up to me in the school corridors.
"Stop running!" Our English teacher who hate us shouts at him and he stops running and walks over to me. I was glad we only had a couple of weeks left in this hell hole.
"What Hardaker?" I say using his last name.
"Well Hopkins, your dad hired me!" He shouts getting looks from other people in the hallway
"My dad gave you a job.. to work as a lifeguard?" I ask taken back since my dad has been saying he needed new lifeguards but would not let me join because I was 'too young'
"Yeah Y/N cool right?!" He says excited
"Yeah! I'm proud of you Chase! Uh I have to go see you later!" I say faking my enthusiasm and walking away from him to go hide in the indoor swimming pool room.

"Fuck!" I yelled slamming the door.
"Y/N? What's up?" Noah says
"Noah! What are you doing here!?" I ask him
"How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours"
"I'm just angry because of my dad.." I say sitting down on the bench.
"Oh then I don't think it would be a good moment to tell you.."
"Tell me what Finnimore??" I look up at him and he had a blue lifeguard shirt on him.
"Noahhh he gave you a job?" I ask getting even more angry
"Yeah crazy right! I'm the official new trainee of the season" he says
"Well congrats now if you don't mind I need to head to lesson" I say and I leave the pool.

During second lesson I had English  and I knew it was going to be rough in there since I was sat in between both of the two new lifeguards. Yay.
I walked into English and see them both looking really happy and showing off their blue shirts to each other.
I roll my eyes and decided not to go sit next to them and went and sit next to someone else.
"Y/N?" Chase said as he saw me go sit in a different seat but I didn't give him my attention.
"Ms Hopkins I know it's the end of the year but you cannot change the seating plan, please go back to your seat next Mr Finnimore and Mr Hardaker" my English teacher says I sigh I get up and go sit next to them pretending they don't exist.

"Y/N I know you angry at your dad but don't take it out on us.." Noah says as I had my head laid down on the table in his direction. I didn't reply instead I turned towards Chase who started to speak.
"Y/N.. we have been friends since we were young don't be mad at us.. don't ruin our friendship please?" He says and I sigh burying my head.
"Ms can I be excused?" I ask and she nods yes.
I leave and go sit in the reception.
"Ms Hopkins, your father is here for you" the receptionist says and I walk off.
"Hi sweetie" he says but I don't reply he looks concerned but I look dead inside.
"Y/N" my dad said while he was driving us to the tower but I didn't reply I just leaned my head against the window and pretended to be asleep.

We finally stopped but I didn't open my eyes he came to my side of the car and opened the door, he picked me up and started walking towards his office probably, he put me down on the sofa since it was soft and kissed my head, he shut the door and then I heard no sounds so I opened my eyes to see his office empty.
I stood up and I went to lock the door from the inside and then went and sat in his chair where he had been doing work.

On the desk was files about lifeguards, I opened up his draw and saw flies of all the recruited lifeguard, seeing Jake, Mario, Jules Harries, and the rest of the boys. I closed the cupboard and then looked at the ones on the desk of Noah and Chase.. there was a third one which I picked up and it said my name..
"Holy shit" I whisper to myself I open it up and see the job application I had done.
I heard someone turning the door handle and I quickly put everything back and stood up walking towards the door, I unlocked it and in came my dad.

"Y/N why was the door locked?" He asked
"I was scared someone was going to come inside.. you know drunk tourists.." I replied
"Are you feeling better?" He says placing a hand on my forehead and I nod yes while smiling.
"Well come on there's a surprise for you in the tower" he says and I follow him, we walk inside and Chase and Noah are inside and in there blue shirts.
"Dad.." I say hating surprises since the last surprise I had gotten was my parents taking me out to a restaurant and telling me they're divorcing which was awful who does that to a child?
"I just wanted to give you something" hoppo says going behind the medical bay and coming out with a blue shirt with my name on.
"Will you take this blue shirt and promise to be safe and careful while on the beach? And keep everyone else safe?" He says and I nod yes hugging him.
"Ahh really!? This isn't a prank right??" I ask and he insures next it's 100% real.
"Thank dad!!" I say. I then turn towards my two best friends and now co-workers and tackle them into a hug.
"We are all lifeguards together!!" I shouted and we three celebrated.
"Put it on Hopkins" Noah says and I do so.
"Looks better on you than me" Chase says
Me and my two best friends go out and celebrate by buying milkshakes from our favourite cafe and take food back to the tower for the boys.

 "Looks better on you than me" Chase says Me and my two best friends go out and celebrate by buying milkshakes from our favourite cafe and take food back to the tower for the boys

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Inspo came from "my favourite baddie" Quote of 2020: "The title sounds like they're about to have a threesome"- Shirley

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