17- Double Date (Harries)

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Rose's POV: (Inspired by 90 day fiancé) "Anthony! Sean! Hurry up me and Kate are going to leave!" "We are coming hold on!" Harries my boyfriend shouts

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Rose's POV: (Inspired by 90 day fiancé)
"Anthony! Sean! Hurry up me and Kate are going to leave!"
"We are coming hold on!" Harries my boyfriend shouts.
They finally exit the bathroom and me and my twin sister Kate both roll our eyes at our boyfriends that take longer getting dressed than us.
We finally leave our hotel room and head to the restaurant we had reservations at.
We were on a couple trip to Bali and it's been so fun so far, but both the boys look more stressed out than they do while at work.

"Wow this place is absolutely gorgeous" I say as we enter the building a waiter walks towards us and gives us a funny look probably thinking he is seeing double because of the twin thing.
"Hello, I'm Adam your waiter for the night.. table for 4?" He asks and we nod yes and he takes us to our seats. He gives us a drinks menu and we all ended up ordering wine.
"I will be back with drinks and ready to take your food order" he says walking away.
"Haha did you see the look he gave?" Sean says and we all start to laugh.
"Are both of you boys okay?" Kate asks and I feel Harries tense up near me. I turn to him and he gives me a smile placing a hand on my thigh to reassure me.
"Babe we are both fine.. we are here with our favourite people" Sean says
"Yeah.. we just want this week to go perfectly planned for you both to enjoy" Harries says
"Thank you guys we appreciate it" I say
"Okay let's talk about something else" Sean says changing the subject.
We all agree and then we start to talk about how we miss Bondi and what the future will be like for us all.
"Well there is a high chance of twins in the family!" Kate says scaring Sean who didn't seem ready to be a father of twins.
Nor did Harries since they both were still trying to learn how to take care of themselves never mind another tiny human or two.
"How many kids do you want Rose?" Harries asks
"Umm 3..?" I say
"I think I'm about 3 aswell" he says making me smile since I knew a lot of partners have arguments about how many kids they have.
"5 for me!" Kate says
"5?? Why 5??" Sean says looking at her wide eyed.
"Because we have good genetics!" She says and we all start laughing.
"Fine 5" he agrees with her pecking her lips
"Ew get a room" Harries says faking that he was disgusted.
"Babe!" I shout at him
Our drinks come and we order our food.
Me and Harries ordering pasta, Kate ordering a salad, Sean ordering a chicken.

After eating we all go for a walk down to the beach.
"Oh wow it's so pretty" I say as me and Harries were holding hands ahead of the other two.
"Really pretty.." he says I turn to him to see him staring at me which makes my whole face heat up.
"Come on follow me" he says we start to walk closer to the shore of the ocean and we stick our feet's into it.
He keeps walking until we see bright light ahead on the beach.
"Look someone is surprising their love one" I say pointing at it.
"Let's go check it out" he says pulling me towards it.
Once we reach there we see rose petals and candles all over the floor. There were large LED letters spelling out will you marry me.

"Holy it's so beautiful!" I say walking closer to it with Kate trying not to ruin anything

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"Holy it's so beautiful!" I say walking closer to it with Kate trying not to ruin anything.
Kate turns around to face the boys and then she starts patting my arm.
I turn around and I see both Anthony (Harries) and Sean down on one knee with a small black boxes in their hands.
"Kate, will you please make me the happiest man on earth and accept this ring?" Sean says and she nods her head running towards him I turn back to Harries who has a massive smile on his face just seeing Kate and Sean being happy.
"Rose.. I've known you for 4 years now and those have been the best 4 years of my life and I want you to stay in my life until the day we die, I see a future with you and only you.. will you marry me?" He says as I wipe my fallen tears I nod my head yes and walk my way towards him, he pulls me into a hug and then puts the ring on my finger.
He places a kiss on my lips and then we pull apart.
Kate and Sean were really happy for us and we were happy for them. Me and Kate showed off our rings.
We finally headed back to the hotel after a lovely evening where we enjoyed the rest of the night.

Sorry guys but I'm not going to be active for a while I don't know how long I'm going to be gone but I'm posting a couple of chapters now and I will get my friend Shirley to post more that I have already pre written

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Sorry guys but I'm not going to be active for a while I don't know how long I'm going to be gone but I'm posting a couple of chapters now and I will get my friend Shirley to post more that I have already pre written.
Thanks Tay for the idea

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