18- Tattoo Arguments (Jesse and Hoppo)

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Y/N POV: "Get off your phone Y/N and watch the waters!" Hoppo shouts at me

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"Get off your phone Y/N and watch the waters!" Hoppo shouts at me.
"Sorry Dad!" I say and pick up a pair of binos, I look out the widow and turning back to my phone every couple of minutes.
"Y/N! What is more important on your phone than keeping the public safe" my dad shouts grabbing my phone out of my hand.
"Dad!!" I shout back but he was looking at the pictures I had saved on Pinterest about tattoo ideas
"Give it back!" I grab for it since he looked very angry.
"The last thing on Earth you will ever be getting is a tattoo missy" he says keeping my phone on him.
"No! It's my body I'm allowed to do whatever I want to it!" I raise my voice at him
"Y/N! I have raised you for the past 18 years! Don't you ever use that tone on me! And no you are not getting a tattoo! I'm not letting you ruin your body!" He shouts
"But for the past 18 years you have been telling me to love myself! But I don't love myself I want to cover this stupid scar!" I shouted at him pointing at a scar I have received in a car accident that had killed my mother.
Flashbacks of the day came rushing back filling my mind with horrible memories, my body with pain and my eyes with tears.
"Y/N.." he started to speak but I was already leaving and not wanting to see his face no more.
I ran down onto the beach and down to the south end where my boyfriend Jesse was.
"Y/N!" He said as he saw me running, I ran straight into a hug, gripping his shirt and crying my eyes out into his shoulder.

After letting me sob for a couple of minutes he picks up my tear covered face and starts to speak.
"What happened princess?" He asks
"Dad happened.." I cried and he hugged me, he knew me and my dad were super close and I was basically a mini female version of him, so any fight that went on between us was either something serious or about my mother.
"Awh babyy.. please calm down and tell me what happened.. I don't like seeing you upset" he says and wipes my falling tears away.
"It was kinda about mum.. I guess.." I say and he stays silent just rubbing my back.
"Jesse.. I feel ugly.." I say
"Awh baby! Please don't feel like that! You are not ugly! You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on" he says
"I want to get something to cover it up.." I say
"Like a tattoo??" He asks and I nod yes
"Well I think it's obvious I know which tattoo artist to take you to" he says flexing his tattoos.
"You should get back to work I don't want you to be into trouble" I say leaving him alone.

I head back up to the tower where my upset looking father was waiting for me.
"We need to talk" he says in a stern voice
"I don't want to talk to you" I say walking past him but instead he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.
"See you boys later" he says to Wippet, Reidy and Maxi who were being entertained.
"Put me down Bruce Hopkins or I am never speaking to you ever again" I slap his back
"No we are going to talk in my office Y/N Hopkins or you are never leaving the house to see Jesse ever again and I'll send him to work at a different beach so you won't be able to see him when at work" he says and I let out a massive sigh giving up with trying to argue with him.

We enter his office and he places me down on the sofa.
"Let me speak and I want no words from you Hopkins" he says and I nod yes
"You are my daughter so never call yourself not worthy or ugly because of scars they do not matter to anyone who love you and cares for you!
Listen to me while at work I'm your boss and father here and if you don't respect me like my other lifeguards I'm going to have to complain about you to the council.
Don't risk the lives of others for a stupid price of metal." He keeps ranting on and once he finally finishes I take some time to finish processing what he had said and the spoke up.
"I'm sorry for everything dad I know what I did was wrong.." I say and he gives me a sad smile.
"Can I umm get a tattoo?" I ask him and he lets out a sigh
"Since you are old enough to make that decision and I want you to be happy yes.." he says and I stare at him trying to see if he was actually being serious.
"Really?" I ask him and he nods yes
"Thank you dad!" I say hugging him
"I love you baby girl" he says
"I love you too dad" I say and then we get up and head back to the tower.

"Hey babe" Jesse says walking into the tower and sitting down next to me for his break.
"Guess what!" I say smiling at him
"You and Hoppo made up?" He asks
"Okay yeah but not that.. he said I can get a tattoo!!" I say
"That's great babe!" He says and we leave for our break.

Would you guys like a part 2 of this where she gets the tattoo?? Maybe she's scared at first so to calm her down Jesse gets a matching tattoo with her and then she gets her main tattoo??

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Would you guys like a part 2 of this where she gets the tattoo?? Maybe she's scared at first so to calm her down Jesse gets a matching tattoo with her and then she gets her main tattoo??

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