47-Mini Reid (All lifeguards)

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Amber's POV: I was at the beach visiting my dad Andrew or Reidy as his co-workers called him and my brother Harrison who was also a lifeguard and was referred to as Hutz, me however I was mini Reid according to my dad and brothers friends

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Amber's POV:
I was at the beach visiting my dad Andrew or Reidy as his co-workers called him and my brother Harrison who was also a lifeguard and was referred to as Hutz, me however I was mini Reid according to my dad and brothers friends. I had brought them and their friends some lunch and also wanted to go out for a paddle on my surfboard.

"Hey dad!" I shout while walking into the tower he jumps up and rushes over to hug me
"Hey hunny, you are my favourite daughter" he says as I hand him food
"I'm your only daughter" I say rolling my eyes at him
"Hey kiddo" Harrison says messing my hair as he comes and takes some food along with Jake, Chase, Luke, Singlets, Jethro and Jules.

"I'm going to head out for a paddle" I say
"Okay be careful" my dad says hugging me
"I will be dad don't worry" I say leaving the tower with my surfboard, it was a close enough replica of the real lifeguard boards, since I've always wanted to work here but I wasn't old enough, I was only 14 but Hoppo promised he would give me a traineeship when I turned 16.

I paddled out and surfed for a while, I was further out than I usually would go only because there were thousands of tourists in the sea and I didn't want to hurt any of them, I was going to take a wave back in butI see a man waving his hands around, I saw lifeguards heading out towards him but I knew I would get there faster, before he drowned, I decided to use the rip as my advantage and let it take me out to sea, inless than 5 seconds I make it near the man, but he had started to go underneath the surface causing him to drown, I put all my energy into paddling faster towards the man within a second or two I grabbed his arm pulling him up on my board.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay I've got you!" I say to the man
"Thank you, thank you so so much"
"Hey calm down and take deep breaths, a lifeguard is heading our way" I say
"Wait your not a lifeguard!?"
"No sorry"
"Thank you I appreciate your helping hand, you did that out of the kindness in your heart, you should be a lifeguard, you would be a great one"

"Hey is he okay?" Jake yells out I look at him and nod yes
"He's fine he's just out of breathe, he might have swallowed some water though"
"We won't be able to take him back in, the waves are too strong, and we're too far out, a jet ski is coming for him"
We see the jet ski and on it was Jethro and Harrison.
"Nice rescue mini Reid!" Jethro yells
"Maybe I can use it to get lifeguard training faster!" I reply
"You won't need it, it's already in the Reid blood" Harrison says and we laugh

"Can you swim him over to the jet ski?" Jethro asks
"Yeah sure..?"
"Wait wait, there's a massive set about to hit us!" Harrison yells, he rides off with the jet ski, making sure it doesn't get thrown over which could cause more damage, it left me, the man and Jake by ourselves...

The jet ski flys off, while me, Jake and the man are hit by a huge wave which pounds us against the rocks and into the impact, making me lose my surfboard, I try to make sure the guy stays afloat since he was tried and couldn't swim very good, however he was twice the size of me and he was dead weight so as a natural instinct he keeps himself a float by using me as a buoy.

"Jake help!" I say before I get pushed down into the water by the man I tried to help, I tried swimming up but he was too strong to fight against.
"Amber!" I heard him yell for me

"Hey! Hey! Mate! Climb on to my board let the girl go" He finally lets go, so I rise back up to the surface, coughing out water, I let tears roll down my cheeks before wiping them away and looked at Jake giving him a reassuring look.

"Come on then! let's get out of the rocks so the jet ski can come take the guy" Jake shout and I nod my head tiredly, after swimming through the waves, Jake sends the stranger onto the mat on the jet ski, they drive off, leaving me and Jake alone in an awkward moment.

"Thanks." He says
I look up at him in confusion, why was he saying thanks? "For?"
"For saving the guy, he would have had to be a resuscitation if it wasn't for you"
"Well, thanks for saving me.." I give him a small smile, making little eye contact
"Your welcome I guess, let's go back in, want a ride?" He asks
"Yes please, dunno where my board is at" I laugh causing him to laugh aswell

Once we get to the beach I feel a sharp pain on my leg and maybe on my stomach area, i had cuts all over my self from the rocks
I mutter curse words at myself, and look up to see Harrison looking concerned.
"Let's go up to the tower, I'll take a look at your cuts" he says
"No, it's fine, I don't want to waste your time, I can head up and do it myself" I rambled
"Please? I just want to make sure your okay, and check your lungs in case you swallowed water"
"Fine.. but has to be quick" I say not wanting to argue with him
I winced in pain whilst walking so Harrison stopped us.
"Come on I'll take you to the buggy and then drive you up to the tower" he says giving me a piggy back ride to the nearest buggy
"Hey Chase! Hey Luke!" He says to them and they look in our direction
"Hey Reid's! Sick rescue out there!" Luke says
"Hey Faddy"
"Give her a ride up to the tower please Chase"Harrison says putting me down in the buggy

Chase drives us up to the tower and lets me lean on him so I can take some of the pain of my leg.
"Amber! Are you okay?" My dad rushes out the tower picking me up and walking us into the tower
"I'll be fine dad" I say
"I'll be the judge of that" he says placing me down in the medical bay and Jules makes her way over to help.

Jules helps clear up all the cuts I had on my legs, whilst my dad watched the sea, she helped me walk over to the window.
"You okay?" Harrison asks
"Yeah.. I'm fine, imma head out now I just want cuddles" I say and I walk over to my dad and he hugs me.

"That was the best rescue of the season and you aren't even a lifeguard here kid" Singlets says and I laugh
"I wish I was"
"Well you could ask Hoppo" Singlets says
"I know but him and my dad would say no" I say
"You never know kiddo" Singlets smirks at me and I look at him confused, I turn to look at the others that have joined us in the tower after closing the beach down for the day and they had smirks on their faces too.

Hoppo walks in and makes his way over to us
"You okay mini Reid?" He asks looking concerned
"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit scratched up by the rocks" I say
"Well I watched your rescue, very brave thing to do" he says
"Thanks hops, I learnt from the best"
"Well I've got a surprise for you" he says pulling a shirt out from behind him and I look at him in shock
"No way!"
"Yes way, you deserve it Amber" my dad says
"I beat Maxi!!" I say as Hoppo passes me a trainee shirt
"Youngest trainee we've ever had" Hoppo says and the rest of the team congratulate me
"Let's celebrate!!" Jethro says and we leave the tower and head to the icebergs.

A/N: wasn't in the mood for writing a lovey chapter but I also didn't want to not post so here's a bit of a fluffy one suggested by my cousin Amber she told me to write so I'm not sat around feeling miserable and I guess it worked because I love t...

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A/N: wasn't in the mood for writing a lovey chapter but I also didn't want to not post so here's a bit of a fluffy one suggested by my cousin Amber she told me to write so I'm not sat around feeling miserable and I guess it worked because I love the fluff also I might start writing more chapters like this which doesn't have a main lifeguard that it focuses on ❤️
And I know Hutz and Reidy aren't related they just have the same last name haha

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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