20- First Date (Multi-Lifeguards)

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Your first date with Maxi would be like: Maxi would have seen you on the beach after shift and asked for your number

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Your first date with Maxi would be like:
Maxi would have seen you on the beach after shift and asked for your number. He would have texted you first and asked you out on a date it would be a casual one after he finishes work.
He would have set up a small picnic on the beach and you both would stare at the ocean and talk about your likes and interests.
He would help you up and you would both go to the shore and start to kick water at each other which ends up with you both staring into each other's eyes and slow dancing under the moonlight.
"You have really beautiful eyes" he would say and you would thank him and get all nervous.
He would go in for the kiss and you would gladly accept it, after a while you both pull apart and smile at each other knowing you both felt the sparks, he decides to walk you back to your house.
"Thank you for the lovely evening" you say
"Um do you think a second date may happen?" He asks and you nod yes.
"I'll texted you then" he says pecking your lips again which causes the sparks to return and then he leaves.
You head inside and immediately start to freak out and you wake your roommate up and then you would tell her how it went.

Your first date with Joel would be like:
You would be working a long shift at the library and it was nearly closing time and you were a little upset that you haven't seen the boy that usually comes in and brightens the place up with his smile. He liked the same books as you and would always ask you what your thoughts on the books were.
You go to lock the doors and end the night, you see Joel and he walks up to you.
"Hey am I too late?" He asks
"Yes unfortunately" you reply
"So then umm that means you're free for the rest of the evening right?" He asks
"Yea.. why?" You ask
"Well then can I take you on a date? I think you are the prettiest librarian I have ever met and so we can talk about the book?" He says and you smile at him nodding yes.
"You can come inside here, my boss won't need to know" You say.
"Wait I've got some stuff in the car!" He says passing you his book and then going to his car and rushing back with a bag of snacks and drinks, he comes inside you both go sit down on a table sitting close to each other he wraps his arm around you and places the book in front of you and you both read the book together and enjoy the rest of the night together.

Your first date with Harrison would be like:
You both meet at work and after work he will come up to you and ask you if you wanted to hang out later since there was a carnival in town. You say yes and tell him to come pick you up later on. You go home and get ready for the date dressing in a cute blue summer dress since blue was his favourite colour. He finally arrives and you head out to meet him.
"You look amazing, blue makes your blue eyes look even more beautiful" he says causing you to blush. He takes your hand and you walk to the carnival.
"Wow!" You say when you see all the rides and games you both were going to enjoy your evening playing.
"Where to first?" He asks and You point at the carousel.
You both go on a couple more rides and then he takes you over to the games.
"I'll win you one" he smirks at me
"You don't need to" You say but he doesn't listen and starts playing for it.
He threw darts at three different balloons and won in his first try. You and the man at the game stared at him in disbelief.
"Me and a couple of the boys always play" he says he lets me choose one of the bears on the wall and You decide to pick the big panda.
"Y/N obviously you pick the biggest one here" he chuckles.
"Does that mean we have to go home?" You say getting sad because you didn't get to go on the Ferris wheel.
"No we are going on the wheel" he says determined you both walk towards it and the lady let you on even with your panda.
The wheel went up and you turn to face Harrison, who had his eyes on you. He decides to make the first move and kiss you at the top.
When you guys finally get down he take you and your panda back to your house where he drops you off.

Your first date with Max would be like:
He would be hanging out with Jesse, Jake and a couple of the other lifeguards you knew then because Jesse was a regular and brought new people with him all the time after he finished his shift. This time he brought someone cute. You do your job and take their orders, you overhear Jesse telling Max to stop staring and you turned around to see him looking at you.
After you had finished serving them their food Max stands up and he walks towards.
"Um.. I think you're really cute wanna like hang out?" He asks
"Uh yea.. I think you're cute too" you say
"Like maybe right now?" He asks causing you to smile you nod at him and tell him you have to clock off.
We leave together and try deciding what to do since it was late at night and everything was basically closed.
"On the count of 3 let's just say something out loud to do" he suggests and starts counting down.
"Movie?" He says
"Stargaze" I say
"Movie then star gaze" he says and you nod. You both go to the movie theatre and you go watch IT. He cuddles you through the movie knowing that it scared you a little. Once it finishes you both leave and then he takes you to his apartment complex.
You both go up to the roof with a blanket and a bag of stuff you guys took from his apartment.
You set it up laying it all out perfectly and then start watching the stars, you would look towards him every couple of moments and see him staring at you.
You both finally end the night, you decide to stay at his place because the movie scared you both and you cuddled to sleep in his bed.

Your first date with Chappo would be like:
You and Chappo were best friends you were both dating two other people, but recently you would put your boyfriend and his girlfriend were cheating on you both with each other so you guys both dumped them telling them you guys were cheating on them with each other. Their reactions being priceless and you both feeling like winners.
"Chap.." you say kinda upset once the break up takes a toll on you both.
"Yeah y/n?" You blush at your name rolling off his tongue
"What did we do to deserve this?" You ask
"Nothing we deserve better" he says attacking you into a hug
"Let's go out to a nice little restaurant we deserve so much more better than them and should be celebrating we're better off without them because we have each other" he says you nod agreeing with him, you both go get ready for this 'dinner date'
He drives you both to a small restaurant which had both of your favourite red velvet cake.
You both head inside and sit down you order some champagne and then your meals.
You guys talk about the future and how our ex's were toxic anyways.
"You know before I met Chloe (his ex) I had a major crush on you but I backed off because you were dating Josh (your ex)" he says
"Really? Wow I kinda liked you too but then Tyler asked me out and I just tried pushing my feelings for you away" you reply
"Well now look at us, were lonely" he says letting out a dry cough
"Yeah.." you say, you guys stop talking about it and then get ready to leave. He walks you home and at the door you guys say goodbye.
"Chappo.." you say as he had his eyes focused on you.
"Yeah y/n?"
"Kiss me."
"Kiss me, I know you want to and I want you to" I say and with that his lips attach to mine I pull him inside my house and he ends up staying.

" "W-what?" "Kiss me, I know you want to and I want you to" I say and with that his lips attach to mine I pull him inside my house and he ends up staying

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This was pre-written by Ellie but this is Shirley publishing it!

Everyone thank Shirley for saving the day and reposting for me!

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