10- Lifeguard hugs (Multi-Lifeguards)

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How Jesse would hug you if you were his girlfriend: You were doing your make up for mine and Jesse's 2nd anniversary in the bathroom

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How Jesse would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
You were doing your make up for mine and Jesse's 2nd anniversary in the bathroom. He knocked on the door asking if he could come in.
"Yeah babe" you say and he opened the door and walks in.
He quickly fixed up his hair to it matched his white shirt and black suit pants better. He was watching you do your make up, not taking his eyes off you at all.
"It's rude to stare" you say and he lets out a chuckle he moves closer to you until he is right behind you and you can feel his breathe on your neck. He wraps one hand around your waist, and leans his head on your shoulder as you apply some lip gloss he finally notice you have finished and gives you a gentle light kiss on the cheek knowing you would get mad if he ruined your makeup.

How Mouse would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
You would work with Mouse, but he had a day off and you had a unsuccessful resus at the beach. Your face would be covered in tears from crying while walking home from work.
You enter your apartment which smelt amazing because he was cooking some food but when he sees crying he immediately drops the wooden spoon in his hand and walks over to you pulling you into a hug.
"Jump" he would say and you do so and he walk you both over to the couch.
He carried you in his lap and you bury your face in the crook of his neck and he will rubs his hand up and down your back in an attempt to soothe you.

How Harries would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
It was his birthday so you decide to make him breakfast in bed. Halfway through the cooking process he walks out of your guys' bedroom and comes downstairs to see you making food.
He comes up and hug you from behind.
"Happy birthday" you say to him as he rests his head on top of your head since he was a lot taller than you.
"Thanks princess" he would say
You finish making breakfast and you both eat it up.

How Glick would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
Glick and you would be working together and he because photography is his passion he loves to randomly take photos of you.
He would take a couple a day with and without you knowing.
At the end of the day you would both go sit on the sofa with your cat and he would wrap his arm under yours as you laid your top half on his chest.
He would show you all of the photos he had taken and then you would discuss them and he will tell you the story about each one until you fell asleep not because he was boring because he was comfy and you always had work really early in the morning.
He would pick you up and take you to bed where he would cuddle you even more to keep you warm.

How Hoppo would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
Hoppo and you started dating after 2 months of working on the beach.
You both tried to hide your feels since it would have been inappropriate.
But he was the boss and he could do whatever the hell he wanted to.
He would usually be in his office doing paper work while you would be either in the tower or on the beach.
He was the one who planned the roster so he would know when you were in the tower or when you had a break.
Every time you were in the tower or on a break he would come visit you.
While on look out he would sneak into the tower and hugging you tightly from behind. He wrap his arms around your small frame and squeeze you in a work friendly manner and tell you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you.
When ever you tried to look at him or look down from blushing hard he would make you turn back to the window and keep making you focus on your work.

How Maxi would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
Maxi and you are the trainees so everyone automatically shipped you guys together and kept teasing you both.
You both would have to do the craziest stuff ever while at work to empress the older boys.
After a long day at work you would both go up to the tower and wait for Hoppo to give his debrief.
You would sit in a spinning chair while he sat on the table. He would pull your chair closer to him and then wrap his arms around your neck and peck the top of your head and the rest his on yours.
When Hoppo finishes his debrief you both head home hand in hand and you sit on his bed watching Bondi Rescue together to try getting tips from all the other boys rescues.

How Chappo would hug you if you were his girlfriend:
You and Chappo would be in a long distance relationship. He would be working at the beach while you would be studying over seas in America.
When you arrive at Sydney airport every holiday you get, you hurry up and leave the plane to find him.
You grab you bag and then rush into the main part of the airport where you would be searching for his bright blue lifeguard shirt.
Him being tall would be able to spot you from far away so he would call out your name and you would turn to see a bright pearly white smile on his face.
"Chris!" You shout and run towards him, you jump and he catches you, you wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his torso.
"Hey babe! I missed you!" He says
"I missed you even more" you say and then he connects your guy's lips.

My friend Shirley told me to write a chapter like this xx so here it is please give my your opinion on if you like it or not! Don't worry if you don't you won't hurt my feelings and I will continue to write my normal chapters

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My friend Shirley told me to write a chapter like this xx so here it is please give my your opinion on if you like it or not! Don't worry if you don't you won't hurt my feelings and I will continue to write my normal chapters.
These are going to happen every ten chapters maybe? So next one of these would be on chapter 20!
I will allow you guys to comment and get involved.
You just have to replace the word Hug with a different word next time. And pick which lifeguards you want!
You guys are these all an okay length or should I do them longer or shorter??

Please leave ops about these chapters!!

Shirley got Wattpad follow her Shirley_Bondi

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