6- Proposal (Harrison)

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Sophia's POV: Harrison and I have been dating for years now

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Sophia's POV:
Harrison and I have been dating for years now. We started dating when we were about 21 years old. Now the two of us are about 26-27. A lot has happened in the past, from ex- partners coming back into our lives, jealousy and having to be long distance for a year, yes we had a couple of fight here and then, but we always made up and never went to bed angry at each other, which ultimately led to us being a really strong couple.

I wake up on the bed next to Harrison . He has his arms wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer to his chest to the point where I could feel the heat from his body. I open one of my eyes to see if he's awake. I see a small smile plastered on his face. I open my eyes fully and whisper in his ear.
"Morning babe." I whispered.
He slowly opened his eyes.
"Morning beautiful." He said in his really sexy morning voice.
I sat up in the bed and stretched.
"I love you." Harrison says wrapping himself around my waist and layIng his head on my lap.
"I love you too." I said kissing his cheek and running my fingers through his dark hair.
"I have something special planned for you today. I've got help from your brothers with it." He said getting out of bed giving me a wink. I smiled then got out of bed myself and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I let out a little yawn and made some breakfast for the two of us. I got out a pan and started making pancake mixture.

Harrison came downstairs all dressed and ready for the day and I was still wearing what I wore for bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist from the back and kissed my cheek.
"Come on these pancakes aren't going to make themselves" I say to him.
We finish making our pancakes and luckily not getting messy while doing so and we sat there in silence and ate our breakfast.
"Babe, I'm off to work! Full day today! I'll be back around 7." He said placing a kiss to my forehead.
"Ok. I love you." I said.
"I love you more." He said with a smirk.
"Not possible" I say
"Well you're underestimating how much I love you baby girl" Harrison kissed my lips then left me in our house by myself. I wonder what type of day he would have since it's so different everyday, last week there was a car on the beach and two days ago he had to get into the water to save a man who was in waist deep water. I wash the plates up and then go and use that bathroom.

I shower and get ready for the day. Harrison being the cutest laid out the outfit he wanted me to wear as it was layed out on the bed. It was a nice dress he loves me wearing. So I put it on and did my make up while I was there. I put it all on and sent him a photo. I wonder what the surprise is. I texted a couple of the lifeguards and my brothers for hints but all of them had their mouths sealed shut.

My phone buzzed.
'Hey baby. There is a small envelope for you by all the surfboards. Open it and read it please. Love you and already miss you 🥺'
I text Harrison back before finding the envelope.
'Okayy you are a weirdo why put it behind all the surfboard? But you're my weirdo love you too xx and miss you xx'
I locked my phone and went to find the envelope. I found it and opened it up to read it. 'Hey! Sophia!,  It's me Harrison, just to let you know. I want to say I love you to the next galaxy and back! I would even swim from Bondi beach to New Zealand for ya! Your probably confused and think why the hell are you dating a weirdo like me and wondering why you have this in your hands right now, well this is part of your big big big big surprise!
Your twin brother Spencer is going to come round at 11:00 to pick you up. Hes going to take you to the roller skating place we went to for our first date for a few hours and then you'll find your next clue. Have a wonderful day and don't miss me too much. I love you lots tatter tots! See you soon! Love, Harrison!
P.S. sending you lots and lots of hugs and kisses!'
I placed the note back into the envelope. I smiled and the looked at the clock. It was nearly 11:00 so I got the final bits ready of what I needed to do.

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