2-More than best friends? (Harrison)

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Y/N POV: I started a job at Bondi a couple of months ago, my uncle who likes being called Harries talked to his boss Hoppo and Hoppo agreed to give me a job down here

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I started a job at Bondi a couple of months ago, my uncle who likes being called Harries talked to his boss Hoppo and Hoppo agreed to give me a job down here.
I was in the tower with my uncle Harries and our co- worker Mouse. Yes Mouse aka the Black Cloud as all of us lifeguards like to call him. He started his shift at 12pm, all morning it was calm and then he cane in and it started getting hectic.
Mouse was dealing with a Allergic reaction patient in the medical bay with Harries, I had to man the front of the tower by myself.
"Oh god" I say looking with a bino out the window.
"What's up Y/N?" Harries asks
"New rip just opened up in between the flags taking a bunch of people out" I say and I go to radio the boys that were down near the flags.
"Tower to the flags" I say
"Flags can't talk Y/N" Harrison my best friend of 2 years says but I may not may not have a slight crush on says
"Whatever Harrison, use your eyes a new rip has opened up in between the flags bring them in" I say
"So demanding but Im going in" Harrison says and I watch as him and Beardy both battle the surf and Jesse on the Jetski trying to gather the people back in.

I look around the beach to see if anyone else is in trouble and I see down north there were some people struggling, the only none busy lifeguards were Chappo and Maxi but they were down South.
"Tower to jetski"
"Jetski to tower"
"I need you to stop bring patient in at that rip and to go over to south I've got two people who are struggling and there's none up there" I say
I needed to make sure that the south end of the beach was covered because it would have been dangerous if it wasn't.
"Hoppo to tower"
"Tower to hoppo"
"Do you guys need me to come down as back up? I can try asking a few boys to come in" he asks
"Yeah please it would be really helpful it's getting really hectic" I say
Hoppo arrives at the tower, and helps me man the front of the tower he texts the lifeguard group chat and the new trainee Chase comes down to the beach with Glick and Josh, with their help the beach was easier to look after as now more of the beach was covered by lifeguards, we had to rearrange the flags and move everyone away from the new rip that had come out. The paramedics came and took the patient suffering from an allergic reaction. 

"Well done Y/N you did a great job of managing the tower all alone with hardly any help" Hoppo says
"Well I kinda got help from you.." I say awkwardly
"I'm glad your humble unlike Harries" Hoppo jokes and I laugh along
Just a couple of moments after a lady came up to the tower with a lost kid.
"Hi I found this child she was lost down North" the lady says to me.
"Hiya sweet, I'm Y/N I'm a lifeguard here I'm going to help you, can you tell me your name, age and who you came down to the beach with" I say to her
"My name is Anna I'm 4 years old and I lost my mummy" she says
"What was your mummy wearing?" I ask her
"A yellow top and blue shorts, I miss her where is she?" the girl says
"Don't worry, my friends are looking for her for you, you should stay safe and play with the best lifeguard ever called Mouse, he likes frozen" I say because she had a frozen top on.
Mouse rolled his eyes at me and flipped me off when no one was looking, but he had to deal with the girl until we found her mum because it's basically his fault the day was really hectic.
It's was about after 30 minutes of Mouse singing let it go with Anna and her mentioning that she had the same name as Anna from Frozen about 300 times the girls mum finally arrived in the tower.

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