40- Pranks (Multi-Lifeguards)

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Pranks with Kerrbox and Maxi:

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Pranks with Kerrbox and Maxi:

Kerrbox has pulled many pranks on me and Maxi since we were the new recruits, however we
both decided to get him back.
Me and Maxi were dreading today's shift at work we always get pranked by Kerrbox, last time he had burnt the chicken we had made to impress the boys since we had to do something to prove we were worthy of joining the team but Kerrbox would always be a few steps ahead of us.
"Maxi! Y/N! There's apparently a rat in the skate bowl we need you guys to get it out" Kerrbox says
"You are having us on mate" Maxi says
"I'm being serious you need to get the poor fella out of there"
"Isn't that the job of pesk control? Why us?" I ask
"Because you are the trainees" he says and walks behind the med bay we both sigh making Deano laugh and spill a secret.
"Box is just afraid of rats so he's making you guys do it" Deano says so an idea pops into my head
"Fine we will do it!" I say grabbing the equipment Kerrbox shoved at us.
"Woah Y/N wait up" Maxi says rushing towards me and we made our way to the skate bowl.
"Maybe we should call someone else to do it Y/N. Rats carry diseases what if it attacks us and turns us into mutant turtles?" Maxi nervously speaks
"Maxi don't worry it can't be that hard to catch a rat plus it's 2 humans against a tiny rat" I say as we arrive at the skate bowl.
"You might want to take tiny back" Maxi says
"Come on Maxi if we catch it we can chase Box around with it" I say sliding into the bowl
"You are evil Y/F/N Y/L/N"
After a while of shouting curse words and running away from the rat we finally caught it.
"You're not that bad are you there little buddy?" I say holding the container we had the rat in.
We took the rat back to the lifeguards tower and Deano congratulated us while Kerrbox had a blank face.
"What's wrong box?" I ask him and he's speechless
Maxi decided to take the rat closer to Kerrbox but he goes running out the tower making us all laugh at him.
Maxi decides to chase him out the tower and around a car.
"This is what you get for all your other pranks you've pulled on us" Maxi says chasing him
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I will never pull a prank on you guys ever again!" Kerrbox apologises.
We finally stop chasing box and we go back to working, me and Maxi were proud of ourselves and Kerrbox finally stopped pranking us.

Pranks with Harrison and Jethro:

"Hey guys welcome back to our channel! I'm Harrison and this is..." Harrison tells the camera and turns to me so I can introduce myself
"Y/N!" I say cheerfully
"This is our second video ever and the other week two men that go by the names of Jethro and Joel decided to call out our channel for copying them" Harrison starts off
"Which we 100% did not, we just work with the same video editors, producers and etc" I say
"Anyways these two fellas couldn't stop not blabbering about how they're better than us which is clearly not true, we decided to do a prank! On them both" Harrison says
"So right now they boys are out of town and they are coming back tomorrow so we've decided to give their house a makeover by swapping their household items" I say
"What if they don't realise we've swapped things around?" Harrison asks
"Well then they're just idiots"
"Let's get started" Harrison says and we walk into Jethro's messy room
"Classic Jethro's room is messy making it twice as hard for us to change around" I sat rolling my eyes
We moved the dirt in jethros room in to his bathroom and began to take his things out of the guys bed rooms and soon enough with the help of 4 crew members we had finished their rooms.
"So we've just finished their rooms and now we just need to wait till later in the evening for them to come home for their lovely surprise" Harrison laughs at the camera
We stop recording and decided to go along with our day until Jethro had texted Harrison that they were 20 minutes away and we began setting the camera up for their reactions.
"Welcome home you guys!" I shout running towards them for hugs.
"Wait what's happening here with the camera crew?" Joel asks
"We spent the first half of the day recording a video for our channel" Harrison lies
"Oh makes sense" Joel says
"Well I've missed my bed and want to go lie in it" Jethro says and we follow him to his room, he opens the door and he pulls a confused face.
"What on Earth" he shouts, Joel walks into his room and laughs making us all laugh.
"Wait does my room have his stuff?" Joel asks rushing into his bedroom to find all of Joel's furniture.
"Wow you guys how long did it take?" Jethro asks
"5 hours but it was worth your reaction" Harrison says
"Wow you guys really had nothing better to do" Joel laughs
"Okay now I'm confused on if I should sleep on my bed in Joel's room or Joel's bed in my room" Jethro says
"Sleep in your bed mate, I don't want your hairs all over my bedding" Joel says to Jethro.
"So what did you guys think of the prank?" I ask them
"It was terrible, you should've filled our rooms with balls or something not this" Jethro says
"Hey don't give them ideas" Joel says
"You guys have started a war, we will prank you guys back better" Jethro says
"The Harrison and Y/N show is better than Jethro and Joel's, thank you for watching our video subscribe to us and unsubscribe from them"
"No subscribe to us the OG lifeguard YouTubers!" Jethro and Joel start shouting
We stop filming and we talk about how they're going to fix their rooms.

 "So what did you guys think of the prank?" I ask them"It was terrible, you should've filled our rooms with balls or something not this" Jethro says "Hey don't give them ideas" Joel says "You guys have started a war, we will prank you guys back be...

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A/N: Hiii sorry this chapter isn't as long as my usual ones I've just been lacking creativity in writing and I've been busy with school and work :)

This was just a quick chapter I wrote in 10 minutes since my brother's band mates are over and I'm the only one home so I wanted to look like Im popular and have people to text.

Also thank you to my friend bondigirlinblue for the lifeguard suggestions she's helped me so much this year and love her ❤️

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