Part 27: Getting Bigby's Shit Together

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Nerissa sat across the table in a dodgy coffee shop she'd led Bigby into, staring glumly at his pale, veiny face. He stared down at the table. Nerissa felt for her handbag and brought out some files. She put them down on the table.

Bigby twitched.

"I may have discovered something major," Nerissa said. Bigby looked up properly, staring at the files.

"Quite a while ago I got talking to Prince Charming in the diner," Nerissa said quietly. "We both agreed to assist each other on seperate similiar quests ..." Her face flushed. "I don't know what I was thinking. But Charming started telling me about this mansion he had ... And he was saving it for him and Snow."

"What?" Bigby spat.

"He didn't tell me where it was, even though I asked," Nerissa said. "But as he went to get a drink, I stole those files out of his bag. They were on some girl called ... Alice, I think."


Slowly, Bigby reached out, grasped the files and flicked through them. His dark brown eyes narrowed when he started to read what had been written about her. Prince Charming enabled her to kill me, I know that. But he also cursed her to stop her from telling anyone where he took Snow. It was almost as if ... As if he knew she would trust one of us. And when she escaped from the cell ... Or ... Did someone help her escape?

"I'm sorry, Bigby!" Nerissa suddenly burst out, looking tearful. "All those times before ... I don't know what I was thinking. You were just the only person who cared about me and I lost it ... I went crazy, jealous ... But now all I want is for you to get the person who makes you happy back. And I'm willing to help you." She took his hand, but this gesture was different: it was friendly, apologetic and determined.

Bigby looked at her and nodded. The past didn't matter now; he needed all the support he could get. He could never go back to the Woodlands again, he knew that. He knew he had lost his job. Holly and Woody and Gren probably hated him. So he needed Nerissa.

Nerissa smiled at him. She put the files back in her handbag and stood up. "Okay. We need to find Alice."

"But what use is that? She can't tell us anything or she gets killed," Bigby said.

"Who else would know then?" Nerissa sighed. "Goddammit, where do we start? Who is Charming close to? Who would know stuff about him?"

Bigby thought about it. Then it struck upon him. "If anyone knew anything about Prince Charming, it would be Aladdin. He's the only one who I can think Charming was close to right now."

Nerissa nodded thoughtfully. "Aladdin. He's a bit of a dick but it can't be helped. He's doing a long term stay at the Open Arms, so -"

"How do you know that?" Bigby frowned.

"He was one of my ... clients," Nerissa mumbled. "Let's go."

* * *
"So Nerissa stopped him?" Woody wondered as he followed Holly to the business office doors. His face was covered in bruises and parts of his beard had been torn off. Bluebeard glared after them, wiping his bloody lip.

"Yep. They're headed to the Open Arms hotel." Holly went beetroot.

"Oh Christ," Woody muttered in disbelief.

"I know," growled Holly irritably. "I can't believe him, I really can't. Don't worry, Bigby, Snow's still kidnapped and you haven't done fuck all to do anything about it plus you've just straight up murdered Mundies and now you've lost your position but it's all right, just go fuck Nerissa as if nothing's happened! Argh I can't wait to get my hands on him!"

Woody resisted an amused smile at her outburst.

As they were walking through the foyer, Gren suddenly burst through the doors. Holly blinked at him.

"Where's Bigby?" Gren exploded.

"We're on our way to get his sorry ass," Holly said through her teeth. "Care to join?"

"Might as well. Honestly he's such a fuckin' idiot."

"We know," Woody said.

"What does Jack make of all this?"

"I have no idea," Gren replied. "He's been moping around, not speaking to anyone. Dunno what's happened."

"Probably a fuss over nothing," Holly said, rolling her eyes. "But fuck him. I'm gonna strangle Bigby with my bare hands first of all."

* * *
Bigby marched up to the reception. It was empty, and he looked around wildly for a residents list. He reached out, grabbed it and turned it so he could read it.

"Aladdin's in Room 64," he informed Nerissa and she nodded and they walked up the stairs.

Bigby got to the door, pondering whether he should go Badass style and knock it down, or play nice and knock. He touched the door lightly with his knuckles. Fuck it, he thought, knocking on doors is for pussies - and he kicked it open instead.

The room was empty, no surprise. Bigby stepped in, scratching his head. "We might as well explore the place," he said.

He looked on the tops of the desktops and drawers, sniffing at boozle bottles and empty lager cans and cigarettes. He opened up a little leather box and sniffed at the white powder inside. "Cocaine," he muttered to himself. There was a small, silver lamp next to it, and he couldn't resist giving it a rub. Obviously nothing.

"Bigby, come over here," Nerissa called. Bigby peered over at Nerissa who was reading a screwed up piece of paper on the floor.

"What's that?" he asked, going over to her.

She handed it to him. With narrowed eyes, Bigby read through the badly written handwriting.


You really are an asshole, you know that, right? But whatever. Do what you want, just don't spill all your problems out to me. As if I give a shit about you kidnapping your ex wives

"He obviously didn't finish this letter, but at least he does know something," Bigby said, screwing the paper back up and dropping it to the floor.

"I guess we'll just wait for him to come back." Nerissa shrugged.

As she spoke, the padlock on the door suddenly turned and it opened. A familiar, olive-skinned man with greasy black hair and bloodshot eyes looked alarmed to see Bigby and Nerissa in his room. Then he smiled, showing his yelllowy white teeth. "I have visitors, I see," he said.

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