Part 23: Outta My Mind

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"Holly, I know you're mad but it's not Bigby's fault - he's just screwed up right now. He can't think." Woody said this tentatively, not sure if protecting Bigby was the right thing to do at this point. Holly didn't say anything. She kept on walking.

"Where are we even going?" Gren whined. Holly walked faster, her heels going thud thud thud on the pavement . "Holly, look, just ... Slow down. Just take a deep breath and think for a while."

Holly had just about had it with both of them. They were infuriating the hell out of her and she wanted to bang both of their heads together. It wasn't like any of this was their fault, but Holly was tired, angry and needed someone to blame. Snow gone had affected her as well, so there was no excuse for Bigby to just do nothing. Honestly, how pathetic could he be?



"Will both of you just shut the fuck up!" Holly suddenly screamed at them. Gren and Woody fell silent, alarmed. They had never heard her sound both so angry and stressed out at the same time.

Holly closed her eyes. I shouldn't be doing this.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Just ..." She sighed and knuckled her eyes like a child. "I'm going to take some time out. Go for a walk. Fuck knows where. I just ..." Her voice was already drifting away and she turned and walked away from them stiffly, not looking back.

"Wha... But ..." Gren stammered incoherently.

Woody couldn't even call after her. Nah. She definitely needs some time alone.

"Well, shit," sighed Gren. "Everything's so fucked..." He turned around and suddenly saw him and Woody were right outside a pub. The Swordfish. I like that name, he thought. With Snow gone, Holly upset, Bigby in a state, it seemed the perfect time for a drink.

"Jackpot," Gren said ecstatically. "Come on, buddy. Let's live a little, you and me."

Fury bubbled inside Woody like a boiling jacuzzi. "Gren, have you gone mad? Did you see what just what happened? Do you see the fucking situation we're in?"

"Yep," Gren said. "And I say we call for a drink. Holly's gone fuck knows where and stranded us in the middle of nowhere. Snow's been fuckin' kidnapped. Bigby's finally lost it. And now's not the time for a drink? I think this pub has been sent down as a peace offering, don't you agree? A gift from the Gods." He grinned up at the sky.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Woody yelled.

"I don't know, Woody! Maybe I'm sick. Sick of this. And now maybe I just want a fuckin' drink, just something to make me lose my mind for a moment and forget about this shit! Wouldn't you agree?!"

Woody didn't say anything, just stared into Gren's wild eyes. After a moment of silence, Gren shrugged. "Suit yourself." And he went inside the pub.

Woody waited in the freezing cold. But he didn't feel cold. He scratched his head, closed his eyes and sighed. Holly still wasn't coming back.

"Fuck this," he snarled, and charged after Gren.

Hours later ...

Darkness was rippling through the bleak, pale sky. But the two drunken idiots inside the pub didn't give two shits.

Woody slammed down his fifth glass of whiskey. Gren was on his seventh. He grinned goofily at Woody.

"See-ee!" he slurred. "Told you you'll have a good tiiiiime.."

Woody chuckled. "This night has been amaaaazing!" he cackled and turned to a terrified bartender. "Oi, Gavin, another whiskey. And make it quick."

"It's Gary, actually," stumbled the bartender, pouring him one.

"Thanks, Gavin." Woody snatched the glass roughly, causing the drink to splash all over a woman on the stalls next to him. The woman gasped and shot up, screaming.

"Whoops!" Woody laughed. "Gerald, pour me another pleeeeease?"

"Gary, one beer please," a man beside them called.

"Sure thing."

Woody turned to glare at the man. "I was here first, asshat. Gerry therefore serves me first!"

"Sorry, pal, Gary's already serving me," the man replied smugly.

Woody pushed his stall back with an almighty screech and stood up. "What did you just say, you little dipshit? Go on! Say it to my face!" he bellowed.

The small, skinny man was suddenly fearful - the Woodsman was like a bear compared to him. "Whoa, man! You can have my beer, how about that?"

"Not good enough!" Woody roared. "I'll teach you a lesson, you impertinent little asshole!" And he lunged at the man and in seconds they were both wrestling on the floor. It wasn't even violent, but some girls started screaming and Gary poured the beer all over himself. Some of the guys started laughing. Gren's laugh was the loudest of them all.

"Go, Woody! Beat his ass!" he cheered as the man tried his best to heave Woody off him, failing every time.

Some men even started throwing dollars at the pair. This goaded Gren into stuffing as many dollars as he could into his pocket.

"You wanna mess with me!" roared Woody, so drunk he couldn't even punch his helpless victim.

"No, man! Get off!" cried a voice underneath his bulk.

The doors suddenly opened.

Gren turned around. His drunk, grinning face dropped.

The laughter continued, but even Woody could sense something frosty in the atmosphere.

"What. The. Fuck."

That voice. Woody got off the man slowly, and turned around.

Holly was livid. She was so livid that she was shaking.

How could they do this? I have been looking everywhere for them and here they are, typically drunk and fighting in some sleazy pub! I am so fucking done. Done with them both!

She tore out of the pub without a second glance.

"Holly! Wait!" Woody yelled.

The glass slid out of Gren's hand and smashed into a million sparkling shards on the floor.

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