Part 12: Brokenness

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Bigby felt himself transform into a huge, savage wolf man with slavering jaws. Like a gorilla, he pounded and charged after Charming. Charming could see that he was about to be gained on. He climbed rapidly into a black car and started the engine.

No you don't ... Bigby thought, baring teeth, his teeth and with his massive grey paws he landed forcefully on top of the car.

THUD! Shit! Panicked, Charming fumbled with the engine and started to drive, vigorously steering left and right to try and throw Bigby off. Bigby determinedly smashed into the front window and Charming only just managed to dodge his raking claws.

Fucking idiot, Charming thought. He's in broad daylight! A lot of cars were honking at him as Charming tore through red lights and skidded around corners. Bigby didn't seem to he aware he was in full view of the Mundies. He was too angry.

Suddenly the car smashed straight into the one in front. Within a second, Charming was already out of the car and running. Bigby was knocked off the car in a daze, ending up rolling across on the ground, shifted back to his human self. Instantaneously getting up, he sprinted after Charming as fast as he could.

"Charming!" he bellowed. "Stop right fucking there! Sheriff's orders!"

"Sheriff's orders!" Charming mocked. He charged into a hotel and waited behind the door before slamming it into Bigby's face.

It left only a graze on his face as Bigby shook it off and tore up the stairs. It was like the fucking Tweedle Dee chase all over! Man, I hated that asshole, but he could fucking run, Bigby thought. Charming was just as fast. And smarter. But he still couldn't outrun Bigby - no one could. Or outsmart him.

As the chase continued down the hotel corridor, Charming started to hurl random things at him: vases, a telephone, and even when a shocked family came out, he siezed their small daughter and threw her at Bigby. Bigby caught the little child deftly into his arms just in time.

"What the fuck!" the dad roared.

"Sorry, sorry," Bigby apologised, setting the terrified little girl back on floor and running after Charming hurriedly. The family stared after them in bewilderment.

The window ahead had been smashed. Bigby braced himself before taking a leap, practically soaring through the air. It was almost like a slow-motion moment in a movie. Then he was on his back in the ground, groaning and growling with frustration. Ow. Crap.

Wincing, Bigby scrambled to his feet. He looked around, but the results were clear. Charming had vanished. "Shit!" Bigby cursed furiously and his anger exploded as he turned and slammed his fist into a brick wall. He felt no pain as the blood stood out on his knuckles. "Shit!" Bigby repeated.

He ran to a corner, even though he didn't know what he was chasing. He kept running, as if somehow he will end up in view of Charming again. He didn't notice the black-haired woman in front and he couldn't stop himself in time.


Bigby was shocked as he crashed straight into the woman and knocked her onto the ground.

"Snow!" He gaped at her.

"What the fuck, Bigby!" Snow shouted. "Get off me!"

Bigby got off her immediately and offered to help her up, but she furiously batted his hands away and got up herself, smoothing her skirt. She looked so beautiful for a second, with her midnight blue eyes and flowing black hair that was actually loose for once. Bigby gazed at her with a soft puppy look - and suddenly blinked when she narrowed her eyes at him with ice-cold contempt.

"Sorry for bumping into you like that, Snow, I, er -"

"Bumping into me? No, sir, I wouldn't call it that," Snow said, sounding grouchy and bad-tempered.

"I ... Did you see Prince Charming a second ago?" Bigby asked quickly.

"No," Snow answered, baffled. "Why? Did you? You're all worn out."

"I saw him and I gave chase," Bigby said. "But he got away."

Snow huffed bitterly. This made Bigby prickle with irritation.

"Sorry to be a disappointment to you once again, Snow," he said sourly.

Snow looked up and for a second she looked embarrassed and guilty. But only for a second. Coldly, she said, "I just didn't think anything could outrun the Big Bad Wolf."

"He was throwing shit at me as well!" Bigby whined. "I mean, he lobbed a fucking kid at me!"

Snow raised an eyebrow at him. Her mouth twitched.

"He did," Bigby insisted, but he felt the corners of his mouth twitching as well. He tried not to laugh, because to be honest, nothing was funny right now.

Though Snow could do with some laughing for the first time in probably about twenty centuries.

"Maybe you should go back to the office and cool off," Snow said. "We can plan our next move as well. If he's in the area -"

"No way," Bigby snapped. "I'm gonna go and find him. I do have a fucking nose that can sniff strong scents of shit like him out."

"Then you should use it more often," Snow said crisply, and walked past him.

That's it. This iciness has to stop.

"What is your goddamn problem with me, Snow?" he yelled, his voice cracking with anger and hurt. He just couldn't take this shit anymore - something needed to be said.

Snow stopped.

"Go on!" Bigby snarled. "Turn around, face me and say it!"

Snow squeezed her eyes shut. Don't cry, Snow. Shakily she turned round and met Bigby's brown eyes. There was no anger in them; just broken devastation. And she was the one who caused it.

"Say it!" he screamed. A few passerbies jumped and scurried past to get out of the way.

A tear trickled down Snow's cheek. "What do you want me to say?" she whispered.

"Say you don't want me in your life. Say my face fucking sickens you every time you see it. Say my choices are never fucking right. Say I ashame you and disgust you, say you fucking wished Prince Charming did kill me -"

"No, Bigby!" Snow sobbed, covering her ears. "I won't say it! It's not true!"

Bigby stepped closer to her. "I can read you like a fucking book, princess," he hissed into her face. "I can read your feelings and your thoughts and even they're backing me up on this right now."

"Stop it," Snow wept.

"I'm only just getting started," Bigby said, his eyes flashing.

This wasn't the Bigby she knew. This was the broken, the angry, the evil, and the devastated Bigby that only Snow could activate.

He stepped closer to her and whispered, "And I screwed the shit out of Nerissa after you rejected me." Waiting for her reaction, he stepped back. The words were like daggers to her heart. Unable to say anything, Snow just stared at him silently, more tears flowing.

"Yes," Bigby growled. "I screwed her, banged her, fucked her hard and tasted every sweet inch of her -"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Snow shouted, pushing Bigby away from her and she started running in her heels. Running away from him.

"Run away then!" Bigby yelled after her. His voice broke and his eyes watered. "Run away," he whispered, and all he wanted was for her to come running back.

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