Part 28: Sacrifice

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"Hey Nerissa," Aladdin smirked. "Long time no see."

Bigby stepped forward, protectively shielding her from his perverted stare. "I have a few questions," he said solemnly.

"Of course you do." Aladdin went and sat down heavily on his bed. He yawned. "So, Sheriff, what serious crime have I done to give you the trouble of breaking into my apartment like this?"

"I just ask questions. You just give answers. Then we might end up getting along." Bigby said this, scarily smiling, but in a dark tone to show he wasn't kidding around.

"Fire away. I'm in a good mood today." Aladdin smiled back, almost as scarily.

"You're close with Prince Charming, aren't you?" Bigby said, pacing around, whilst Nerissa stood with her arms folded across her chest.

"Prince Charming. We go way back. We were just business partners and that's it really. We weren't, like, best pals."

"Right," Bigby said sarcastically. "Well, if that's the case, you seem to know a lot about Charming's secrets."

"Oh really?" Aladdin smirked. "Like what?"

Bigby went to get the note, opened it and shoved it in Aladdin's face. "Care to explain this?" he growled.

"So you've been sniffing around my room as well, have you?" Aladdin said. "You seem to do that a lot, Sheriff."

"Enough of the fucking cheek," Bigby snarled, his patience starting to snap. Aladdin seemed to almost enjoy being infuriating. "This letter is evidence that you know where Charming is keeping Snow!"

Aladdin rested back on the bed, folding his arms behind his head and smirking. "So this is what's it about? Your little damsel in distress? And you want me to tell you where she is? Sorry, Sheriff. That's not how I work."

Out of a choice of [Persist] or [Go For Him], Bigby opted to go for him. Viciously siezing Aladdin's ankles, he pulled so that Aladdin slid clean off the bed and then Bigby grabbed his throat and lifted him up. Aladdin choked, his eyes almost popping out of his face.

"I don't have time for your playing around!" Bigby roared, the brown hair starting to grow on his face and the yellow starting to colour in his eyes. "Snow is being kept as Charming's fucking bride, his sex slave, his wife, don't you see that?"

"Maybe it's ... What ... She wants," Aladdin gasped out.

Bigby's eyes went livid. Nerissa instantly thought, he did not just go there. With a snarl, Bigby tossed Aladdin into the drawer so that it broke and all his possessions came flying off. The cocaine sprinkled through the air like powdery white rain.

"You fucker!" Bigby yelled furiously, aiming a swift blow across Aladdin's face. There was a crack in his cheekbone and his head rocked to the side. "Don't you ever fucking say that to me again!"

"Bigby, stop!" Nerissa cried, grabbing his arm. In his surprise, Bigby's fist flung back and Nerissa ended up rocketing into the other wall. Bigby turned around, horrified at what he just did.

"I'll kill you!" Aladdin suddenly swiped at Bigby with a long, thin sword and Bigby immediately jumped back. "Motherfucker!" Aladdin snapped, slashing at Bigby again and he grabbed the sword, wrestling it from Aladdin. Aladdin was surprisingly strong. He ended up wrenching the sword away from Aladdin so violently it skidded across the room next to Nerissa. Aladdin suddenly was inspired. He flew past Bigby, grabbed his sword and also grabbed Nerissa, holding a sword against her neck.

"Get off me!" Nerissa yelled, struggling as best she could.

"Aladdin," Bigby said dangerously. "Put her down."

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