Part 15: Back Where We Began

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Back at the Trip Trap ...

"He's lost it, seriously," the Woodsman said as Holly poured him a beer.

"Tell me about it," Holly sighed, pushing it towards him. "Ever since the news of Snow White's kidnapping came out, he hasn't been the same."

It had been two days since Snow White was kidnapped by Prince Charming. There had been no tracks led, and no clues apart from the dreaded photo. Bigby couldn't even smell Snow anymore. The kidnapping had turned him into a wild, angry, uncontrollable beast who did nothing but drink. Everyone was as scared of him as ever.

"I wish there was something we could do," Holly said.

Woody shrugged. "You saw him. He doesn't let anyone go near him now. I think it's best if we let him sort this out on his own. I know the dog, Holly - he'll sort himself out. He -"

At that moment the door violently crashed open and Bigby came storming up to the counter.

His face was sickly pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stunk of booze and cigarettes. Even Woody couldn't help twitching nervously at the sight of him.

"Whiskey," he barked at Holly.

Holly looked anxiously at Woody. He quelled her with a stern-eyed look: just pour him one.

Reluctantly, Holly got out the tiniest glass she could find, filled it up and gave it quickly to Bigby. He immediately swiped it to the side, smashing it. Holly jumped, reminded of the past.

"Stupid bitch," Bigby slurred. "What do I look like to you, a fucking baby? Pour me a double! What you just standing there for? I said pour me a fucking -"

"Wolf!" Woody said, leaping up and bravely seizing Bigby's broad shoulders. "Wolf, you need to calm -"

"Don't tell me what to fucking do, Woody!" Bigby roared, smacking his hands away. "You're no better than me. You're just as worthless, just as a disappointment and a failure to Fabletown and Snow White ..." His voice cracked at her name. Holly and Woody knew he was referring to himself more than Woody.

"Bigby," Woody said gently. "I know what you're thinking. But it's not your fault -"

"Yes it is!" Bigby snarled angrily, his eyes darkening into a blood red and his great arms pounding onto the floor. "Every single bit of this shit is my fault! It's my fault Snow White hates my guts, my fault she got kidnapped by that sleazy beurocrat, and now there's not one single thing I can fucking do!"

Out of his fury he head butted straight into the counter, causing the glasses to shatter everywhere, and wildly smashed the stalls.

"Woody, stop him!" Holly cried.

Woody watched helplessly as Bigby grabbed hold of the pool table and flipped it over with extraodinary might. He had never seen the Sheriff like this, ever. He watched as the white shirt tightened on him as Bigby transformed into a colossal grey wolf man with dripping jaws.

"Woody!" Holly pleaded as Bigby charged, about to smash up the whole of the Trip Trap.

Just a few weeks ago it was Bigby taking a drunken, angry Woodsman down. Now it was the Woodsman taking down a beastly, powerful and bloodthirsty Bigby.

"Bigby would've wanted me to do this," Woody muttered to himself and he went for the beast.

Bigby roared in surprise as he was suddenly pinned to the floor by the surprising strength of the Woodsman. Woody gritted his teeth as he pressed his boot tightly against Bigby's face even though he knew he wouldn't be strong enough. Just as well; Bigby siezed Woody's ankles, tipped him upside down, and pounded him repeatedly against the wall.

"Bigby stop!" Holly cried. Bigby's blood red eyes turned to her demonically and Holly gave a weary step back. Woody saw. Anger shot through him as he pushed himself out of Bigby's grasp.

"Don't go near her!" he yelled, throwing a punch into Bigby's back. It only had a little effect on the wolf. Barely damaged, he picked the Woodsman up and threw him aggressively into the wall. Pain surged through Woody as his back slammed against it, hard. That's my spine broken, he thought glumly to himself.

"Woody!" Holly cried as Bigby slowly stepped towards her. Woody tried to move but he was glued helplessly onto the floor.

Suddenly the bell rang as the door opened and Jack came strolling in, whistling.

"Hey, Woody, hey, Holly, hey - What the fuck?" Jack only just about managed to leap out of the way as a flying glass came rocketing towards him.

"Jack! Get the fuck out of here!" Woody yelled.

But it was too late - Bigby had already targeted Jack next. He turned away from Holly and started to crawl towards to Jack with hungry eyes. Jack looked around the smashed, wrecked pub. He looked at Woody slumped against the corner. He looked at Holly quivering in fear in the corner.

"Bigby!" Jack said, shocking them all. "Look at what you're doing here!"

"Jack! Shut the fuck up!" Holly hissed.

"No!" Jack shouted. "Cos you know what? You're a monster, Bigby! I'm not forgetting all those times you fucking beat me to a brick! No wonder Fabletown hates you. No wonder Snow White's gone!"

Time stood still.

Bigby's eyelids started to tremble at her name. Sadness and regret seeped into his red eyes. Jack was starting to regret what he just said. Woody tried to heave himself up before it was too late.

The sadness in Bigby's eyes was soon gone, replaced with an uncontrollable demon. He pounced on Jack, pinning him to the ground, clawing at his face and chest.

"No!" Holly screamed.

Woody turned to his right and saw his axe shining beside him. It was his only hope. Grasping it quickly, he got up, shaking his head dizzily, and ran up behind Bigby. Bigby was so intent on murdering Jack he didn't even notice the Woodsman.

Any second now and Jack would be dead.

He dithered helplessly, the axe's handle hot in his hand, not knowing what to do.

Now what?

The choice for you guys:

[Axe Bigby] [Leave Bigby]

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