Part 2: Charming To See You Again

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"Hello, Miss White," Charming said pleasantly as Snow sat across him in the local diner. "How lovely of you to join me. You're looking very nice today as usual."

"I won't be joining you for long," Snow scowled. "Stow the sweet talk and get to the point. What do you want?"

Charming leant a little closer to her. "Okay. Where do I start?"

"Yes, where should you start?" Snow mocked impatiently.

"I've missed you." It comes so suddenly that silence fell.

For a second Snow was stunned. Then she snorted in an unladylike manner and dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. Nice try, prince charmer. "You've missed me? Since when? A few hundred years after you had sex with my sister?"

Charming flinched at her cold tone. Stroking his bottom lip, he said, "Snow, there was nothing between us. I made a mistake. I -"

"I don't give a shit about your excuses," Snow flung at him. "You did what you did. The damage is done. End of." She grabbed her purse and stood up, suddenly sick of him. Honestly, she shouldn't have come.

"Wait!" Charming pleaded. "Please."

Snow glared at him. "What?" she snapped

"Just sit down and let me say what I need to say," he said softly.

Snow had half a mind to throw her cup of coffee at him, but instead she grudgingly took her place back on the chair and waited.

"I've missed you," Charming repeated. Huffing, Snow rolled her eyes. "Really, I do," he went on. "You were the only person who made me alive, and when you found me with Rose, I was sick at myself. You didn't deserve to be cheated on and I'm sorry. Please just give me one more chance to prove to you I am worthy of your love." His voice thickened at the last sentence. To be honest I thought that was pretty good, he thought triumphantly to himself.

Snow started to laugh, but it was a lifeless, empty sound.

"You honestly think I'm going to take you back?" she chuckled. "I know what you're like, Charming. You fuck girls, mess around with them and then leave. Well, guess what? I'm not one of your naive little sluts. So if you'd excuse me, I'm leaving now." She got up for real this time and turned on her heel.

"Snow, wait!" Charming urged, grabbing her hand - and she shakes him off, outraged. How dare he touch her?

"Don't touch me!" she snarls. "Go fuck yourself, Charming!" And she strutted off, furiously patting her black hair into place, leaving Charming there alone.

"Give it time," Charming muttered to himself, stroking his lip.

Snow scurried out of the diner as fast as she could. She was surprised to feel a tear escape down her cheek. These are tears of pure hatred and anger, she thought to herself, angrily wiping her eyes. She felt proud she didn't fall for Charming's stupid sweet talk since it always fools half the population. That cheating, disgusting bastard ... Who does he think he is?

The image of finding him in bed with her sister wrapped itself around her like a dark nightmare. She remembered how shocked and angry and heartbroken she felt - now when she thought about it she couldn't care less. That was who Charming was and he wasn't going to change for anyone.

Someone suddenly siezed Snow's arm, stopping and startling the living daylight out of her.

"Charming, get off!" she shrieks, whipping round and backhanding him straight across the face.

"Ow! Fuck!" Bigby growled, clutching his cheek.

"Bigby!" Snow gasped, her anxiety fading. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry!"

"I'll be feeling that one for a week," Bigby muttered. He examined her properly. "Have you been crying?"

"No! Why would I be?" Snow said quickly and irritably.

"Just asking. Why did you think it was Charming anyway?" Bigby asked, rubbing his cheek.

"I - What the hell are you doing, grabbing me like that?" Snow shouted, ignoring his question.

"I didn't mean to grab you. I was just trying to catch up to you. Snow, why did you think it was Charming?" Bigby's tone darkened. "What did he do?"

"Nothing!" Snow said. "Whatever he did is not your concern. I can handle myself."

"That's not what I meant-"

"Oh yeah, and I suppose you didn't mean to tear the Crooked Man's head off in front of everyone as well?" Snow hissed glacially and Bigby flinched.

Seeing his hurt face, Snow suddenly felt tired. She felt bad letting her anger out on Bigby all the time - it wasn't his fault her life had been such a shit hole. "I'm sorry," she sighed. "I'm just stressed."

Bigby nodded. "I get it," he muttered sourly. "I guess my company isn't exactly making you feel any better."

"What - No - it's not that!" Snow argued but Bigby just shrugged and turned away.

Snow's shoulders sagged as she watched him go. Why did she feel so guilty? Nice one, Miss White.

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