Part 5: Rage

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"Please, Greenleaf, I really need this," Nerissa begged.

"And I'm telling you for the last time, mermaid, that the wolf and the princess will be on my case if I do this!" Greenleaf snapped. "Then guess what will happen? My ass will be thrown down the witching well, that's what!"

"They won't know -"

"Oh believe me, they'll know. That wolf was three seconds away from burning my tree last time." Her face paled at the memory.

"I'm begging you, Greenleaf," Nerissa pleaded desperately.

"No. The subject's closed and you can leave."

Nerissa stayed quiet. But when she got up from the sofa she suddenly grabbed Greenleaf's neck and held a knife against her papery grey throat.

"Believe me, you old bitch," Nerissa hissed to Greenleaf's terrified face. "I don't want to do this but you're giving me no choice. You're to do as I ask now, you hear me? Or I'll cut your throat right here and feed your body to the dogs. Got it?"

Aunt Greenleaf made a funny squealing noise like a strangled pig.

"I said, got it?" Nerissa spat warningly, giving Greenleaf a sharp, threatening dig with the knife. Gulping, Greenleaf nodded.

Nerissa smiled sweetly and pulled the knife away. "There. That wasn't so hard, was it?"


Back at the Trip Trap ...

"Why are you doing this?" Bigby roared.

"Now, now, that would be telling. Just close your eyes and feel the magic," Charming whispered gleefully into Bigby's ear and stepped back, allowing a path for Gren and Holly.

"Remember, wolf, if I see so much as a twitch this silver bullet is going to go pop straight into your brain," Charming threatened.

Bigby wasn't at all fazed by his threats; in fact he wasn't convinced Charming was even holding silver bullet rounds. He knew one thing though: Charming was going to have his fucking head ripped off.

"Okay, fellas, let's get to it!" Charming ordered, clapping his hands.

"This," Gren snarled, "is for my fuckin' arm." And he picked Bigby up by the stomach and tossed him to the wall. Bigby groaned as his back slammed against it, hard. He felt his spine crack from the force. Shaking his head, dazed, Bigby scrambled to his feet and bared his jaw at Gren.

Charming was watching Bigby carefully.

It was like the bar fight all over again.


Grendel charged forward and trapped Bigby within the wall with his one hefty arm. His great curved claws wrapped around Bigby's neck, digging into his skin. Blood trickled down to Bigby's chest. As Bigby struggled, large violent shakes started to erupt over his body.

As the three watched, Bigby's eyes turned a blood red and his jaw extended with razor sharp fangs. Snarling, Bigby reached out to stab one of Gren's eyes out with his newly grown claws.

"Groooh!" screamed Gren in pain, releasing Bigby immediately and clutching his bleeding socket. Holly gaped anxiously from behind. She had no idea what to do.

She watched as Bigby knocked Gren to the ground and started to rapidly slice at his stomach. Gren howled and struggled but Bigby's grip was like iron.

"H-Holly!" Gren yelled. Holly dithered helplessly.

"Absolutely useless," Charming muttered under his breath. He aimed the gun at Holly instead.

"No!" Bigby yelled.

He made a furious sprint towards Holly, knocking her to the side, just as Charming shot the bullet. It skimmed just over Bigby's ear, thankfully missing them both.

"Don't fuckin' go near her!" Gren shrieked, misunderstanding. He siezed Bigby and smashed him repeatedly against the floor.

"No Gren, wait!" Holly shouted.

Time seemed to stand still as Bigby got up and balanced himself on his four paws. Finally the Big Bad Wolf had been unleashed. Stood in the once wolf man's place was now a bloodthirsty grey beast the size of a bus.

Gren, who was still furious, ran at Bigby with impulse but Bigby used his giant paw to pin Gren down. His jaws were inches away from tearing off Gren's neck. Should he do it?

Charming leant against the wall, watching, waiting. Holly turned away. Bigby stared down at the defeated Gren with fierce yellow eyes. The rage inside him was so strong that it was hard for him to think rationally, to even consider sparing lives an option.

[Kill Gren]. [Spare Gren].

I'll let you guys decide ;)

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