Part 16: The Team

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Woody closed his eyes.

"Sorry about this, buddy," he muttered, before swinging the axe directly into Bigby's back.

Bigby gave a horrible, blood-curdling snarl of pain as the steel entered his body. His head just about managed to shakily turn around and his red eyes met Woody's. Woody felt a twinge of remorse at the pain he had done his friend.

"I'm sorry, Wolf," he said.

Bigby opened his jaws - and then fell face flat into the floor, bulky grey body heaving up and down. Jack, sweating and puffing, picked himself up and winced as he inspected the gashes and cuts on his arms and face.

"Shit, that hurts," he muttered. He looked at Woody, and then down at Bigby. "Is he dead?"

Holly came jogging over anxiously. "Is anyone hurt?"

"Woody ..." Bigby suddenly croaked. As they looked down at him, the grey beast was now a weak, sickly-looking human. "You ... You made the right choice. It's ... It's what Snow would've wanted."

Holly wiped her eyes, smudging her makeup. Even Woody had to fight the tears of remorse. "There's still time, Bigby. We can still save her. We'll sort something out, yeah? Track a lead together. All of us." He looked at Holly, who nodded. Jack just scowled. Woody glared at him, which made Jack scowl deeper. "Hello? Haven't you forgotten? Two seconds ago I was being fucking ripped to ribbons!"

Woody gritted his teeth. "You pushed him, Jack. It was your own fault."

"But -!"

"Shut up, Jack," Holly snapped. Jack sulkily set his face into a stony glare, wiping the blood off his nose and lip.

"I don't deserve your help," Bigby chuckled. "Snow's probably enjoying her life right now in some palace with Prince Charmer. You might as well just cut open my belly, fill me up with rocks, dump me in some river and let me float off peacefully to the sunset. Just like in a fucking movie. Heh. What other use would I be?"

"Don't say any of that, Bigby," Holly said firmly. "None of it's true. Because you know what? It's about time you stop criticising yourself and accept that it's not Prince Charming she wants, or anyone, for that matter. She wants you and everyone know it. She's waiting right now for your help, so it's about time you stop feeling so goddamn sorry for yourself!"

There was a moment of shocked silence as Holly's words rang out into the silent air. Everyone looked at Bigby, as if expecting him to leap up and attack. Instead he chuckled. A real laugh.

"You always put me in my place, Holly," he whispered. "Trust me. I needed that."

He twitched, looking surprised as his body obeyed him. "Why aren't I dead then, or at least badly injured? You did use silver on me, right?"

"It's not the silver one," Woody sniffed, showing him. And he was right; it didn't have the gold symbol of bless on it. Bigby blinked in bewilderment. Woody chuckled. "Don't be fuckin' stupid, Wolf. My intention wasn't to kill you."

Jack's jaw dropped in annoyance. "Even though he was going to kill me?!"

"Shut up, Jack," Woody and Holly both said in unison.

"I'm so fucking confused," Bigby groaned. "What happened to your silver axe?"

"Sold it," Woody said simply.

"You're gonna regret that," Bigby said, lifting himself up with a loud grunt. He stretched his arms and clicked his neck, wincing as he felt the large oozing slash from the axe on his back.

"Probably," Woody sighed.

Hours later

"You're lucky it wasn't a silver axe," Swinehart said as he finished stitching Bigby's back.

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