My name is Y/n and I am a dark half-dragon
Half-dragons like me live deep in the mountains of Asgard and away from the palace, or the people. We are immortal creatures who can shift into dragons whenever we want.

There are many kinds of half-dragons in Asgard each one with special powers and abilities.

I can change my skin color as a dragon and camouflage or be invisible, I can empathize someone and feel what they feel or sometimes change their feelings and of course fly, heal my self and spit fire or ice.

Mortals call as demons cause we are never fully dragons we only have their characteristics when we want to and get a bit bigger when we transform.

Half-dragons like me can be really useful to humans and so hunters take some of us to sell them or to enslave them, so we have to be very careful and never trust anyone especially non dragons.

Since the moment of our birth we learn to fight in both dragon and human form, defend ourselves, hunt and control our powers with the help of our families.
Some of us though are not that lucky to belong to a family.

I lived deep in the forest not on the top of the mountain and closer to the castle, I lived in an old empty house I have found next to a cave.

With my parents we lived on the top of a peak in a small village with others of our kind but then humans attacked and took some of us (my parents too) the others thought that it would be better to leave before they could track our location, that meant that our paths with my childhood friends never crossed again.

The only one who knew where I lived was Lyra an old goblin who lived in the woods, she was kind to me but I didn't see her a lot.

Everyday when I wake up, I get ready, eat my breakfast and play some music, my mother taught me violin when I was young and it's the only strong memory I had from her, her velvet voice gently correcting my every mistake, her soft hands leading mine as my father goofed around to distract me and at the end all of us sang our lungs out and danced till the morning.

Then I go out for my everyday flight
I love the clear sky of Asgard and the feeling of the wind on my wings, freedom.
As I flew I used to talk to trees as they are my friends, I can understand their feelings and I adore them they are a family to me. And since my family had been tarred apart they were the only thing I have left.

My mother has been killed by humans for her beautiful wings and my father has been enslaved for his fire and strength, since then I went to spy the village near the palace of Asgard, after my flight to see how he is.


I sat on a tree over a hill outside the village, just to see him.
But this day was different, I didn't saw my father from the hill, I was worried, so I disguised my self and went to the village (as a human).

Walking through the stores I saw little kids running, drunk men and women buying stuff from the bazaar. Chaos, you clearly couldn't find a quiet place here.
I searched for my father at the bazaar but I couldn't find him, then I heard a voice...

"I'm telling you Andre he is done, he's too old and tired for this"
I went closer to look
"Oh cmon Len give him a shot"
My father was tied with bronze chains and in a cooper cage whoever this guy was he knew about dragons, we may had super strength and stuff but bronze was our weakness, he looked sick, he had scars from the whip on his back and he was starving.

"No! I have much work to do and I can't work with this one anymore"
"Then what are you expecting me to do with that now?!" He yelled back at him
"I don't know and I don't care, kill it maybe"
No! I gasped

"Fine. Bye Len have a terrible day"
"You too, idiot"

That Andre guy must have been my father's now master, he rode his horse which was tied up to the carriage with the cage and went in his house (I think). I followed him and watched from his window he set my father free and untied him, but my father didn't run, I tried to speak with him telepathically but he didn't listen, or he didn't wanted to.

He was tired and not only physically his soul... he was ready to die, he knew... and he didn't want to run or fight anymore.
He looked at me from the corner of his eye carefully not to give away my spot, he knew I was here, and he knew I was always here watching him every single minute since he left.

Be careful... never trust anyone, not only humans are traitors Y/n take care of yourself... and be happy, but most importantly listen to your heart.

No! Father! You can't leave you have to fight, now! Go!

Your mother would be so proud...

No... dad... I don't want to loose you not you too...
I was sobbing quietly

Know that I'm with you, the only way that I can be...
He sang a tune he and mother used to sing every night to me

Until you're in my arms again
I responded holding back my tears

Remember me
We sang together

I love you Y/n...

My father kneeled and Andre took his axe, No! No! No no no Dad!!! What are you doing
A sound of an axe cutting the flesh of the half-dragon, a sound I never wanted to hear and then, silence...

I was now crying out loud, I burst out the tears, I didn't care if that man heard me. He died, my only family, my father,
he killed him. I felt blood running fast into my veins and tears running warm down my face, the fire inside me burned, and a wave of adrenaline and anger washed over me.
I transformed into my half-dragon but this time my skin was red.
I started to spit my fire at him and burned his house down to ashes, as I heard him scream.

Revenge was useless and violent, I didn't like it, but this time nothing seemed right.

"Guards! Help, please" I heard a woman scream and I turned to see her but accidentally burned her hand, she was holding a baby and it started crying at my sight.
She must've been his wife, and his... baby... oh no
What have I done... I became the monster I was afraid of.

Screams echoed in my mind
"Don't move or we shout" the guards ran all around me with arrows and swords in their hands
"No you don't understand... I didn't wanted to"
One of them shouted an arrow at me at the back of my hip

"Aghhh" I roared I tried to stay up hovering over them but it was hard
I shouted ice knifes with my tail to them and three of them fell down bleeding, the others who where fast enough to cover them selfs with their shields shouted some arrows to me, I quickly avoided them, just for one of them to hit me with a bronze arrow at my shoulder from behind.

I screamed, then felt weak and almost faded as I fell down to the ground and hit my head hard.
I heard voices

"Take her to the castle!"
Oh no! You don't understand...
I faded

Later I overheard some blurred words from a voice I didn't quite recognized
"She will die, if she don't get the right treatment"

"Bring her here"
Then everything blacked out..

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