Y/n's POV

Days passed quickly in the cell with Loki, and I have to say that he wasn't so bad after all, we talked about stuff, we fought, read, played and danced, he was a really good dancer.

I still don't trust him completely though. He was very kind with me as the days passed but what about the stuff they say about him. What if his true self is not what I've seen until now? What if he is still lying to me? I believe that people change and maybe he is misunderstood but I can't risk it.

But then again, everything went pretty well, and although I missed my home every day, he was an excellent company.

The baby birds had already learned to fly and some of them had left the nest, except one. He was to scared to fly yet and I was starting to worry, I knew he would do great, everyone flies eventually... although I couldn't tell him that.

But this noon something went wrong...
After we finished our lunch, I saw 5 guards walking down the corridor, they stood in front of our cell and one came forward.

"It looks like the demon has been healed, we'll transfer her into another cell now"

When his words met my ears my eyes widened, I knew why they wanted to transfer me, and it wasn't because they wanted me alone in a cell, in fact I bet they wouldn't transfer me in a cell either.

"That won't be necessary" Loki popped up from behind me
"It wasn't a question" the guard was not giving up and I could say that this would not end nice
"Loki thank you but you don't have to, let them take me" I sighed, what would he do? He was a prisoner as well

"Listen to the demon, princeling, maybe she is not so brainless after all" the guard laughed
As they opened the wall Loki jumped in front of me and summoned his daggers, oh no but the guard was faster he hit him with a blast of his scepter

another soldier shot a long bronze dart on my thigh, i let out a cry falling. I couldn't transform now.

"Hey!" He groaned, "don't you touch her" he got up slowly
"Or what freak?" A green mist spread out of his fingers they shot him again but this time in his arm a golden blade-like machine was pinned now on his arm. The mist cleared, he was powerless now.

I fell weaker by the minute, but I didn't fade and I wanted to keep it that way and of course to stay alive, I sent a telepathic message to Loki before it was to late and our powers where completely gone, I wanted him to be ready

'Shut up I'm fine'
'What!? How could you be fine'
'Just trust me and follow my lead'

As they drag me outside the cell I noticed that I had a second or two to hit them and my power drained fast, I had to be faster

Right before they could close the wall, I transformed, it was painful to transform that quick, and the dart made it worst, as I yelled in pain they held me tighter and tighter but they couldn't hold me

Their synchronization wasn't good so the one who was supposed to close the cell ran to help the others, that gave me time I knocked them all out and flew back to the cell

"Loki!" He ran to me as planed, I grabbed him and flew out of the dungeons, others guards had heard the hustle and they shot us with more arrows I held Loki tight and flew faster and faster

I went higher so they couldn't see us
"I'm gonna drop you"

I let him fall and flew as fast as I could under him to catch him, he landed on my back.
"Now isn't that comfier?"
"I hate you" his voice trembling

I laughed at his fear and flew faster enjoying the wind stroking my hair again.


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