Y/n's POV

The fall crashed me hard in the lake and then pushed me deep down hitting me on the rocks underneath, luckily I found some strength to swim and reached the surface,

My breath was heavy and my whole body hurt,
"Loki, we- we are alive!" Ha well I bet he did not expect that


"Loki?" He was nowhere to be seen, I ducked my head in the water looking for a sign and then I saw something slowly sinking in the lake

"LOKI!" I swam as fast as I could and dived to reach him,

I caught him and tried to get us both out of the water but he was heavy, I couldn't carry him and get us out at the same time, my breath ran out, my chest felt heavy,

"Please Loki, don't do this to me..." a small wave washed over me "stay awake... stay- stay alive"

It was worthless, he wasn't responding, we were going to die.

I swam and swam trying to reach the riptide but I felt as if I wasn't moving at all. If I had my tail I could swim faster than a mermaid, or I could fly away from here opening my wings but only the thought of it caused me pain

"Wake up Loki, I need you to-" I fought to get out of the water but I wasn't strong enough, I had to do it different, I had to transform.

I felt as if every inch of my back was burning, breaking in parts and I couldn't do anything about it, I was useless, helpless, wishing death could come now and take me, knock me out, gods death would be so much better than this.

If I wasn't under water my screams would probably reach the palace, that damn arrow was just in the spot to make me suffer. I felt my back burn and as I let out one more yell my wings broke the surface and I flew high and out of the bloody water.

But I couldn't hold much longer, I tripped in the air and crashed on the grass right in between the lake and the tree line.

Did I mention that I was in so much pain I wanted to die?

I coughed as I hid my hurt wings in my back again groaning as quiet as I could, if those hunters were still here my wings would be the least I cared. But then I remembered again... Loki

"Loki... I'm- I'm coming"

His body was little further facing the sky.
I crawled near to him as fast as I could

"Oh no, no Loki? Wake up please" I pushed his chest gently and gave him a CPR

"Loki? Cmon frosty, you have to wake"
I gave him a cpr again, I pushed his chest...

A tear dropped on his cheek but it was not his
"Loki..." I desperately tried to wake him

No response

"No, no, no" I couldn't hold it more, I was tired, tired of loosing, of loosing everyone, I just met this man and thanks to me he is gone.

I fell on his chest pushing one more time
"No please... not you too"

His chest vibrated and he coughed for air, I jerked up from his torso as he rose carefully from the fresh grass

"Loki!" I threw my hands around his neck and fell into his arms as I hid my head in the crook of his neck "you're alive" he groaned painfully

His hand patted slowly my back, "you won't get rid of me that easily fireball" I laughed at the nickname and broke the hug

"Hey, where's my CPR? I thought I needed saving" his throaty voice was really alluring but I tried to hold back, the wetness and the pain helped with that

Fire wings and frozen hearts Where stories live. Discover now