Y/n's POV

Another morning in Loki's bed, I'm not surprised to see him in his usual chair with a book, he likes to get up early.
"Good morning Frosty" ok I have to admit I was in a mood
"Rise and shine fireball" and it seems he was too, I smirked at him, got up and ate my breakfast.

I looked up to the window to see the little nest filled with hungry little birds waiting for their mother to come back and feed them, I'm sure in three or less days she would teach them how to fly, but for now they just enjoyed the warmth of their home. I tried to reach them but again, they couldn't hear me.

After I finished with my breakfast I went up to Loki

"Sooo what are you reading?" Another day, another book, honestly how was he so fast?
"Just some Midgardian poet's tragedy"

"What it's called?"
"Hamlet" I've read that too, it's a good book Midgardians had some taste after all

"Nice..." I sighed hoping he hears me, I know I was being annoying but I did it on purpose, and after he left out a breath too he finally asked

"What do you want?"
"Aren't you bored in here? I mean of course you have your books and don't get me wrong books are great but... do you have any... other hobbies or something?"

"What do you have in mind?" He closed his book and focused on me
"I don't know what else can we do here?" Why is he asking me he came here first
"Well there are not many options but perhaps we could play something" I really hope this isn't going where I think it's going

"Like..." I had to make sure
"Darts?" Thank god that was close
"Good choice" I hope he didn't saw me blushing or something, but then he smirked confirming my worries, shit

"Is there something wrong dear?" Oh I don't know you tell me!
"What? With me? No no nothing, and stop calling me that!... So how are we gonna play?"

"Oh darling you already know how..." his breathy voice so soft in my ears shit shit shit he came closer and closer looking at me like a hungry wolf

"Wh- what I- Loki..." I walked slowly back carefully not to fall, that led to me stuck against the wall with him one breath away from me, staring down at my lips,

I felt his hot breath and drowned in the scent of his aroma... he smelled like new books, and wild flowers with a hint of mint and spice, am I really analyzing his scent?

I thought of pushing him away but I froze there

He came closer and closer, wetting his lips, looking like I was his next meal.

"With daggers of course! I believe you can summon yours?" He took his daggers out and stepped back as the whole atmosphere changed. I must looked so confused right now, with my mouth open and something that felt like dead butterflies in my stomach, that trickster was teasing me again.

My face felt burning red, he and his games were annoying as hell,
especially that kind of games

I changed my expression quickly and tried not to look awkward,
"Of course I- I can" ugh great, I love your confidence Y/n specially when you're trailing
Shut up!

"Lovely" his voice returned to normal but his smirk was still there and you could tell from miles away, he was so proud. He moved his left arm showing a dart board floating before the white wall.

"After you" he gestured I rolled my eyes at him and summoned my frozen daggers
"Are you sure? I don't want you to lose hope without even trying"
"Oh don't worry, I won't"

I shot my blade earning a bull's eye, I smirked at him and although he didn't seemed to care I could feel his surprise. With a move of my hand I melt the blade and transferred the water back in my hand where it transformed back into another blade

"Nice move" he said softly but without any sarcasm.
"Thanks" I flashed him a smile "Your turn pretty boy" he chuckled and shot without looking, his dagger went straight center, that was the cue... the game was on.

We continued taking incredibly hard shots, from the corners of the room, flying, taking each other's challenges and mocking when we achieved them. But in the end we agreed that it was a draw.


Loki's POV

After the game that I won, we took a rest, we ate and I continued my book, she sat down and just looked at the window outside the cell.
What was so special with that window anyway?

I was in the last chapter when I heard something,I focused on the melody and when I turned down I found the source.

I stormsvarte fjell
Jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreer tar jeg meg frem i eplehagen
Står møyen den vene
Og synger
"Når kommer du hjem?"

Her voice was angelic, it was different than anything I heard before, though I knew this song, my mother sang it to me. It was pure, so real, it was like a spell to anyone who heard it, who heard her, like a sirens soul sweet talked in my head. I shook from my thoughts and turned my gaze to the window she was studying... then I realized, it was a nest with four sleepy little birds with golden and brown feathers, their mother wasn't there, it was like Y/n took her place and sang to them to help them sleep.

I looked back at her smiling a little, she turned at me but seemed to panic a little bit
"Oh I- um I'm sorry I didn't meant to bother you, I can stop"
"No! Umm no I don't mind, it's nice" I made her blush, she turned her look down and then back at me
"Thank you" with that I came up with an idea

"You said you can play some kind of instrument right?"
"I- I never said that" she raised an eyebrow

"You thought of it" I may have read her a little more than I should
"Loki!" I was expecting that
"Yeah, yeah I know. But how would you like to play some?"
"What do you mean..."

I appeared a violin in front of her and just waited for her reaction, a smile formed onto her face as her brown eyes fell on it, she gave me a questioning look and I nodded encouraging her to play,

and when she started the whole room filled with a familiar melody, I may heard before to the court, but this time was different, maybe it was her or maybe your ears need fixing, in both cases it was beautiful.

When she stopped she looked out of the window for a moment and then back at the floor, her expression fell and she wiped out a tear that was about to come, she was sad like she had lost someone. She sat down again aware that I was staring, but she didn't care she hugged her knees trying to avoid my gaze and just stared the void.

Why was she like that, did I do something? Maybe no but either way, I got up and walked up to her, her eyes not leaving the floor. I held out my hand for her, waiting, she looked at my hand and up at me as she dried another tear.

She took my hand and got up never looking me straight in the eye, I didn't show her any expression and tried to transform her a feeling of warmth.

I made the violin play a vary soft tune as I held her hands in mine. I started swaying her smoothly.

"Loki... I- I don't-"
I tried to respond gently not to scare her "it's alright you'll be fine, just follow my lead"

She finally made straight eye contact and nodded her head lightly, like I said something to excite her, maybe I did
After some steps our movement synchronized into one and she relaxed more and more, her hand was on my shoulder and mine on her back.

Once I saw a smile on her face, I twirled her and she giggled softly like a child. That was the confidence, I didn't realized I was smiling until I laughed too with her.

The distance between us shortened and we now danced almost hugging

The melody ended and I kissed her hand like she was a princess, I was happy I saw her smile again, I, made her smile like that...

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