Y/n's POV

Of course I was messing with him, mind reading is a two player game. Besides I just made him feel happy.

"Stop messing with me, what did you do" this was getting more and more interesting

"I don't know what you're talking about" he walked towards me and grabbed my arm oh shit maybe that was not a good idea...

"You're a telepath aren't you?" Good job Y/n now he got us
Ohhh shut up
Maybe if I try to pass him a negative feeling or a thought...
"And don't try your tricks to me" shit

he took my other hand and hold it against the wall, we were... close am I blushing hell I hope not

I look deep into his eyes, trying not to avoid eye contact, they where... beautiful, deep forest green eyes looked at me and for a moment, I forgot where I was, I just froze there.

He had his mind shut to me but I didn't needed to read his mind to know how he felt right now, he was confused and angry but a big part of him was happy, happy like he never felt pure happiness before and I think that's my achievement.

"What other abilities could you have?" He purred, his hand playing with my hair,

"None of your business" I slipped out of his grip, kicked the inside part of his knee and avoided him quickly only to meet his silver dagger pointing to my chin.

"I can dance too darling" damn

"Oh yeah? Then..." I transformed my hand into a claw, grabbed his dagger, threw it away and kicked his hand from my face "shall we?"

"Thats a little unfair don't you think?" He summoned his daggers again and somehow managed to throw me on the ground, a dagger to my neck and his eyes glowing filled with mischief, with no doubt he was enjoying this just like I did.

"I never knew we played by the rules" I smirked and his puzzled expression, showed me that I won some time, my tale appeared and threw him by his leg to the nearest wall.

I quickly got up and waited for him to stand up as I summoned two frozen daggers I usually throw with my tale, we looked at each other smirks on our faces and ready to fight.

"So lady Y/n can I have this dance?" He bowed to me and offered me his hand
"It would be a pleasure my prince" I bowed too and took his hand
He twirled me around playfully and we started to dance-fight with daggers in our hands

After a while I fall down on top of him with one of his daggers in my hand, pointing his torso,

"I won!" but then with a quick roll he disarmed me and got on top of me, trapping me with his hands.

"I have to admit that your dancing skills are quite impressive Lady Y/n" I could feel his hot heavy breath on my face as he spoke

"Well a good dance requires the perfect partner" as I realized what I said we both burst out laughing.

When our laughter stopped, we looked deep down into each other's eyes, when we came back to reality and realized our position. I tried to fight a blush and I swear I saw Loki doing the same thing, but he accomplished it much easier than I did.

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