Y/n's POV

Fire, everything around me was burning, screams sounded and a tall figure appeared in front of me

"I'm here"
"Why- why did you left me?"
"I'm so sorry y/n"

I started crying and everything calmed down, no more flames, no more tears, no more screams.

Then I saw someone crying on the ashes of a burned house. It was a young man with raven black hair and blue skin.

"Hey what's wrong? Are you ok?"
The young man looked up at me with his blood red eyes filled with tears, he was afraid, angry and his heart was filled with sorrow... like me, after a few moments of studying me he looked like he realized something and vanished

After a while I opened my eyes and found my self in the cell I fell asleep in, it was a dream
Loki was already awake and he was sitting on a chair a book in his one hand and an apple in the other.

I still was on the floor and in my half-dragon form, I tilted my head back at the wall and took a big breath, my wings were turquoise but I didn't want Loki to think it was because I was afraid so I changed them into a deep purple. I didn't trust him to let him see me as a human intentionally.

"Awake at last" Loki said to me without taking his eyes off the book,
I didn't  answer him why would I he is one of them who locked me up here. The pain from yesterday's fight has stopped, but then it came to me, who healed me? I assumed it was Loki, since I woke up in his bed and no one else was here, but... why? Why would he help me?

Guards have brought an apple for me too I was so hungry and since I haven't eaten for two days I ate it without questioning if it was drugged, I saw Loki smirk from the corner of my eye but I didn't gave attention to that.

Once I finished, the stalk disappeared right in front of me it was probably magic of the cell so it didn't have garbage in it.

But the question kept playing inside my head why would he help me?

"Can I ask you a question?" I stood up,
"What do you want from me?" He seemed confused, he raised an eyebrow at me and I tried to read his mind so I'll know if he lies but it was sealed.

"What do you mean?"
"Oh you know what I mean" I was pissed if he was going to use me he could at least tell me the truth.

"None of you humans ever help a monster like me if you're not going to use it. So I'm gonna ask you again, why?"
He looked more and more confused at me. Ugh idiot, I didn't care if someone lied to me I've been lied to before, but the most of the times I know why they are lying.

Loki's POV

She walked towards me, her skin changed again from dark purple to orange.
What was she talking about? How could I possibly use her for?

I turned my gaze to her
"I don't need or want anything from you"
"Yeah right..." she huffed and rolled her eyes at me, How cruel was her past with those brainless humans?

Anyway she was getting on my nerves... I got up quickly closing my book and walked up at her.

"Look I don't know what you've been through or how they treated you, but you could not be any use to me especially in here"
"Then why you helped me?" She shouted not breaking the eye contact.

Fire wings and frozen hearts Where stories live. Discover now