Loki's POV

I woke up in my cell... again and got ready for the day. Mother had brought me some books and had set a furniture in the cell so I don't feel different than in my room.
To be truly honest I don't know what would I do without her, she even comes here to visit using illusion spells. Unlike Odin who sits on his precious throne and rules his kingdom with fake kindness and pride.

With a green flash of light I changed into my everyday clothes, I grabbed a book, sat in a corner of the cell and started reading while eating an apple the maids had brought me for breakfast.

So this was my schedule from now on, locked up here in the dungeons where only the enemies of our land stayed for centuries to pay for their mistakes.


After a while something caught my eye, I saw the guards walking in the hallway and opening the cell across mine. A new prisoner... great and right in front of my cell, will it be an annoying alien? a crazy villager?

I got up to see who was it... a girl...
what is she doing here, what she have done to end up here?

I walked a little closer, she was hurt... bad, she was bleeding actually, she would die in there without being healed first.

They drag her across the hallway, she was unconscious and tied up with... bronze chains, why in Valhalla would they tied her up with bronze chains?
The guards opened the empty cell and threw her in without caring if she was in pain.

"Um what are you doing?"
"None of your business, prisoner!" Those morons used to obey me and now they call me their prisoner
"She will die, if she don't get the right treatment"
"And..." idiots

"Didn't you heard me? At least bring some healers to help her"
"Sorry pretty boy, but I don't really care" he closed the wall of her cell and turned to walk away

"Bring her here!" I shouted quickly to catch him up before he leaves
"What did you say?"

"If your not gonna help her at least bring her to my cell so I can do it" He turned to another man behind him and whispered something

"Alright but she is your trouble from now on..." Just perfect... I'm stuck with her now. He opened her cell and threw her in mine.
"Have a good time..." he smirked at me as I glared at his direction

When they finally left, I came near her to take a closer look at her "situation"

She was wearing Asgardian clothes (brown leather pants, white button up shirt and a cloak),

(The clothes)so she was from here, but they where ripped of and dirty like she was in a battle, that would actually explain her wounds

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(The clothes)
so she was from here, but they where ripped of and dirty like she was in a battle, that would actually explain her wounds. She had deep brown hair with lighter highlights, pink lips and her eyebrows frowned every now and then showing that she was in pain.
wake up idiot she's dying you have to hurry!

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