1 | The new kid in town

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A choir of trumpets and drums filled the cool summers breeze, the guard's shiny black boots stomped along the long, sandy road that lead throughout the bustling crowds of men and women of all ages, young boys and girl dressed in traditional suits and dresses, waving flags and banners about with beaming smiles on their faces. Among the lucky children able to get close to the action was a small 11 year old boy named Karl, his purple fabric suit jacket and matching shorts that hugged his timid figure perfectly, it was quite obvious they had been homemade especially for this occasion. Stood next to him was a tall male who wore a red apron stained with grease and flour tied around his waist and a small white bakers cap, rested on top of his head.

Cameras and helicopters were seen everywhere trying not to miss the important moment where the king and queen came to finally visit. It had been about 20 years since royalty had stepped into the little town of Kinoko, and the town loved every minute. The roars and cheers from the crowds became louder as the king and queen emerged into sight, sitting on a royal golden carriage, pulled by two pure white horses. The queens dress was a light shade of pink that matched her pink hair, her subtle eyeshadow shone in the yellow sun and her detailed, diamanté crown sat comfortably on her head. Sat next to her was a tall, skinny male dressed in a smart uniform and a velvet, red cloak hung from his broad shoulders, his curly brown hair peaked out from the heavy red crown the hugged his head. Sat in between the two gorgeous royalty was an adventurous 10 year old boy named Nicholas, he was the youngest of two sons, and they loved him dearly, his happy personality could turn any sad situation into a better one. He was dressed in a tailored black suit with a white shirt underneath, a red bow tie wrapped around his small neck as his black polished shoes grazed the floor of the carriage as he swung his legs back and forward out of excitement. He waved at all the people he could see, he wished to be like them, he would watch them skip around and play football in the backstreets with their groups of friends. His brother clay sat on the other side of his father, he was a lot smarter than Nicholas, he looked forward to one day ruling the land and having power over everyone. He would copy everything his father did and wanted to be just like him. That did sometimes mean clay would get more attention, but nick didn't mind, he would go and run around the beautiful gardens inside the castle gates.

As they reached the end of the crowded lands, the king and queen stepped out of the carriage majestically, clay tried copying Williams exact moved, stumbling a couple of times as nick giggled at him from inside the carriage, Nicholas jumped out of the carriage and shoved his hands into his trouser pockets as he walked quickly to catch up with the rest of his family. They continued to walk in the scorching sun through a quieter crowd of news reporters and camera men, the queen gently shook peoples hands as she greeted them with her calming angelic voice, the king following her lead, as nick hid behind his mothers flowing dress.

A strong smell of sweet fresh bread stuck to nick like dust, he was immediately distracted by the lovely smell that had occurred to him, as he followed the trail, the smell got stronger and stronger. He heard faint mumbling from residents around, he ran towards a little bakery which displayed all different kinds of bread in the window, nicks mouth began to water as he wanted some for himself.

The little bell rang as the door swung open by the boy, he walked in slowly, mesmerised by the rustic decoration and calm aura they had created in the little quaint building. He stepped back to see the full view of full shelves that filled from floor to ceiling. Suddenly his back hit an obstacle. "Hey watch where your goi...". The prince turned around to see a teenage boy just like him standing in shock holding a crate full of freshly baked loaves. "Prince Nicholas" the boy said surprised. Nick didn't know what to do in this situation, he looked down at the delicious snacks he was holding, and back up at his shocked facial expression. After a minute of silence, nick gripped a piece of bread into his hand and ran out of the door and into the public.

Karl placed the crate at his feet and began chasing after nick, shouting for him angrily, his father would be mad if he found out about this, so would nicks. They both chased around the village for 10 minutes, hiding from each other and jumping out last minute, the both seemed to forget the reason this had all started, it was just a fun game to them now, as they giggled in sync after being scared by the other person, they played hide and seek and nick sat behind a hedge eating the last on the sweet bread, they played tag and both ran into a family trying to take a family photo, they played football with a random football they found on the side of the road.

Nick heard a familiar angelic voice shout his name from a distance, along with a deep male dressed in guards uniform. Nick panicked, he wanted to stay longer, he wanted to play so many more games with his new friend, but how? They both looked at each other confused and panicked.

"I have an idea" Karl announced, he pulled a small pen and notepad from his trouser pocket and began to write, nick continued to look around for any sight of his parents. "There" Karl said handing Nicholas a ripped piece of paper, and before nick could respond, Karl was running back to the small bakery he first met him.

'Meet at the cliff, 1am, don't be late :)'

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