22 | three shing stars

523 19 5

"Karl step back now"

Karl looked up, he couldn't see anything behind the thick layers of tears in his eyes, he just saw a dark silhouette coming his way. but he recognised that voice straight away. the voice he longed to hear. he wiped his puffy eyes to see a more clearer image of this figure, this wasn't real, he was seeing things, its all an illusion. he backed up just a little bit, heals hung from the sharp rocks at the edge. nicks instinct kicked in as he jumped forward to grabbed Karl's arms and pull him away from the danger.

karl felt anger. why was it that, the one time he didn't want to see nick at the cliff, he appears.

nick couldn't help but smile as he saw Karl's beauty. on the other hand, Karl looked back at nick with hatred and spite. his face dropped from the smile as he realised how different Karl was being. it hadn't all sunk in yet, what Karl was doing, he was just happy to see him.

Karl pushed nicks arms away from his own and started walking away from him, he didn't know where, but he didn't want to have another thing stop him, he just wanted it to all be over. nick now felt the anger Karl was feeling, how could Karl just ignore him like that.

they both stood, Karl could no longer walk away from him, his mind wouldn't let him. 

"I came back to you" nick finally spoke up.

Karl was in disbelief but replied almost instantly "And I forgave you..." they both stared blankly into each other's tear filled eyes.

"Now would you please just fucking leave, I don't want you to see me do this"

"Yes , that's it, I don't want to see you do this..." nick replied, shouting louder than Karl had ever heard.

"...I don't want you to do this at all, so we can be together" he finished

"Do you think... after years and years of keeping our 'relationship' secret that we can just magically be together?"

Both their legs turned numb as they stood in the wind, still as ice. Distance apart but they could still feel the heavy breathing and coldness from each other, they both wanted the same thing. They both wanted the sweet touch of each other, they both wanted this to never end. Not this part. But the happiness they felt when each other were around. They wanted that all the time. But it was measly impossible, the two knew that.

"If you do it... then so do I"

"Nick you can't, you have-"

"A family?" Nicks anger rose more and more with every word. "You think I'm happy where i am, you think I'm happy that i have a wife who is evil, you think I'm happy being told every single fucking day that I'm useless and a disappointment, well what do you think these are then" he quickly turned his scaring arm towards Karl's vision once again. All of the angered thoughts karl wanted to say to nick had disappeared.

They had both released all they're emotions to each other, apart from one. Love.

"Nick i- i beg will you please just-"

"I love you"

Those three words. The three words Karl had longed to hear, the only three words that could change him.

Everything started to piece together in that exact moment. Karl looked up at the large black cloud above them and giggled, making nick giggle too, it started to rain, just like a cringe romance movie they would watch when they were teens. They blanked every other thing that had happened to them out of their brain, leaving just enough room for each other.

Then, as if they shared the same mind, started to close the gap between each other. Their lips melted into each other's like ice cream, Karl stroked his hand delicately through nicks dripping wet hair. The rain drenched them both to the bone but they didn't care. They got what they wanted. each other.

Nick finally pulled away to admire the beauty that stood before him. His hand dropped from Karl's cheek down to his side, he turned to look up at the few stars that were peeking between that heavy clouds. Usually 2, now 3.

"Hey mom and dad... and George"

"We'll see you soon Mr and Mrs Jacobs, oh and George" nick said confused at who George was, they had a lot to catch up on.

hours past where they dance about in the rain, played hide and seek, kissed just a little more, held each other in their arms and enjoyed everything they've always wanted to do. 

and finally, Nick gold and Karl Jacobs had not forgot about each other, they were not strangers, in fact what they actually were, was in love... and they had to be together.

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