12 | Bakery boy

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"Nick could you pick my clothes up off the floor and pass them to me?"

"Alex their literally right next to you and I'm brushing my teeth do it yourself"

"Ye but I can't bend over now, remember the doctor said yesterday"

"Oh ye" nick said sarcastically as he walked over to hand her the fresh clothing, as he picked them up, a little toothpaste slipped from his mouth and onto her skirt. Shit. "Nick what was that you bastard i can never let you do anything" she shouted in a bratty voice like a 5 year old. Nick stood tapping his foot as she had a bigger tantrum than her 1 year old nephew. He was used to it by now.

Karl handed the last bag of goods to his customer and followed behind then as they walked out of the door. As he reached for the open and closed sign, he saw the mailman walking up to his door holding a small white envelope. He opened the door and kindly took the letter and quickly went to leave.

"Got lucky with that one kid, might wanna check who its off before u open it"

karl looked at the front of the letter in confusion.

To karl jacobs
36 puffy lane, 'bad's bakery'

"Looks normal to me"

"Check the corner"

'From the royal family at kinoko castle'

His eyes slowly widened as the mailman chuckled. "Heard the youngen had a kid didnt they?" The man said trying to start conversation, karl said nothing, he didn't even hear the mans question, he just shut the door and left, still reading those 7 words over and over...

A large sigh of exhaustion left his lips as he walked up the steep stairs towards the small lounge. The looked around for the remote and found it underneath the candle lit lamp beside the chair. The staticky tv filled the silence in the room as Karl flopped down into the chair. He raised his legs onto the coffee table and stared off into the tv, he wasn't watching the programme, it was more of a past time than anything.

The envelop sat half opened on the table. Karl reached over for it and sat back in his comfortable seat, he began to rip open the other hand and slip the letter out of its packaging. The paper was so... fancy? The handwriting was so beautifully written in cursive, a few ink spills dotted the paper and a small crayon doodle in the corner. Karl furrowed his eye brown in confusion but began to read on anyway...

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