14 | Closed

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"he didn't forget about me" Karl said out loud even though no one was around to listen.

He felt it. Hope. For real this time. there was a chance nick could be standing at the cliff right now.

Nick standing on the cliff... karl couldn't help but drift off into the terrible thought of the mess nick was the last time he saw him, got forbid he isn't like that now. Of course he's not though, everyone's seen him, Karl's seen him, he looks... a lot happier. Which is a good thing obviously, but karl missed seeing that happiness. Happiness for him, not some stupid girl who magically popped into his life, not for a child who he has to take responsibility of for the rest of his life, not for anyone... but him. 'But thats so stupid' karl thought. 'I'm so selfish', but it was the truth. He didnt want to be with anyone else, he didnt want nick to be with anyone else, he wanted to be alone... just a poor bakery boy, and a prince, alone.

'No I'm just being stupid' Karl thought. He slouched back down in his chair and stayed there for a while, he couldn't do it any longer, he told himself he would stop going there but the thought in his head wouldn't go no matter how hard he tried. It was reaching quite late in the night and has begun to rain, but that was nothing but a slight inconvenience to Karl, he didn't care anymore, he just wanted to see nick.

He slid down the bannister of his stairs and sped out of the door, rain poured onto his hair as he ran through the streets, down the path that led him. Lightning crashed in front of his eyes as thunder roared through the nights sky. He noticed a small library located on the corner still lit up by what looked like a few candles and a cracking fireplace. As he peered through the window he noticed George speaking to someone through a doorway. Strange. It looked like there was no one but him there, and the sign on the door indicated the shop was closed.

Karl felt bad for interrupting but he had to wait for the terrible storm to pass by.

George jumped out of his skin as he heard the door open, he looked over to see a drenched karl standing in the doorway, and heard the loud crash of the storm burst through the door.

"Oh dear come inside ill get you a towel" he greeted and disappeared into the back room.

Karl grabbed a seat and sat down in front of the fire, a blanket placed around his shoulders and a hot drink placed in his hands.

After drying off a little bit he managed to take the time to finally take in his surrounding. It was very calming.

"So what are you doing out in the middle of the storm?"...

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