13 | Dear karl

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Dear karl,

I'm sorry i didn't keep my promise, i tried, i promise. But I couldn't find a way to send the letter to you without getting caught.

300 days huh? Hope I haven't been the only one counting. I guess you've probably heard about everything thats going on, its hard to keep anything from news agents nowadays. Clay and floris had a child, he's with me right now, if you see a doodle its probably him. I got married, thats... something. And me and Alex just had a baby boy. We were deciding on names and i suggested Thomas. I remember you always talking about how you love the name Thomas.

I don't know what to say, I'm sorry Karl.

I miss you, i mean that. I miss acting like a child and playing games with you, i miss watching the stars with you. I still look outside my window every night and find you parents, i hope they're doing good up there. My mother has fallen ill, I've been looking after her, its tiring being a dad. I want the best for him, i want him to grow up and be adventurous just like us.

Floris asked how you were, she told me about when she saw you in the bakery. And when you chucked all the bread on the floor, seems like something you would do.

Anyway I've gotta go now, Alex could come in any minute.

I love you karl, with all my heart.

See you soon bakery boy.

- nick xx

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