16 | romeo and juliet

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Karl kept Georges promise.

he ran through the pouring rain and straight to his welcoming home. he didn't even think of the cliff in this moment. he also had no clue that his new friend was now slipping from the world minute by minute.

as he reached his home he dried himself off and put on a fresh set of pyjamas, then climbed into his inviting bed. he grabbed the book he had borrowed from the library and opened it to the first page, excited to read the story he had longed to read for ages.

'two household, both alike in dignity,
in fair Verona, where we lay out scene,
from ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
from forth the fatal loins of these two foes
a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
whose misadventured piteous overthrows
do with their death bury their parents' strife.
the fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
and the continuance of their parents' rage,
which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
is now the two hours' traffic of out stage;
the which if you with patient ears attend,
what here shall miss, out toil shall strive to mend.'

Karl was hooked from the very second he had taken in the meaning behind every word. he was quite good at that, reading between the lines. he was always the one to go into depths about a book he was reading, even if the person was interested or not...

"and then you'll never guess what happened"

nick sighed as he placed his hand behind his head to support it against the rock he was lay on.

"go on"

Karl spoke without hesitation as if a balloon about to burst, "okay so Snape decides to cast a spell on Dumbledore because of what he's said, a killing curse, and then Snape reveals he's a half blood..."

"which means?" nick asked, surprisingly hooked on the storyline.

" one of your parents is a muggle, so not magical, and one is magical, Snape's mother was a muggle"

Karl couldn't keep still from the excitement he felt finally being able to tell someone about the stories he'd read over the past 10 years. this became apparent to nick when he looked over at Karl who had a beaming smile on his face and he chuckled, "anything else?"

"well personally I think this means Snape wanted to prove he was more powerful than he actually was by becoming 'evil' but then gone taken over by his evil intentions and couldn't stop himself even though he's not actually evil on the inside he just craves power..." 

nicks eyes widened as he was shocked by how smart Karl was for his age, nick couldn't even understand half the big words he was saying but went along with it anyway. 

"that's actually really smart" 

"thank you" Karl said proudly, unable to wipe the embarrassing smile off of his face.

Karl placed a little slip of paper a quarter way through the book and placed it by the side of his lamp on his bed side table, on the other side of the lamp, lay Darryl's old radio that somehow still worked. Karl turned the radio on just in time to hear the familiar cheery news reporters voice once again.

"breaking news: the queen on Kinoko kingdom suddenly fell ill late last night, we all wish her a speedy recovery from the town of Kinoko and will make sure to keep you all up to date as much as we can, this has been your late news, I will see you tomorrow morning"

'oh no' Karl thought. usually he would go up to the cliff and find nick sitting there by now but he's nothing but a past memory to him now. he cant do anything. he's useless.

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