Chapter 21

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Kiyoko held onto Tanaka's arm as they walked together, which kinda made Tanaka's face blush. Tanaka was also carrying a picnic basket on his other arm. Neither spoke any words, but they did walk in a nice breeze.

As they kept walking, the two eventually stopped, well, Tanaka stopped & Kiyoko knowticed, so she stopped too. They were by a garden with a bunch of trees & flowers, with a shaded clear spot in the middle. Tanaka began walking into the clearing with Kiyoko in tow.

The two teenagers sat in the middle of the clearing & they pulled out the food that Tanaka packed. While they were doing that, Kiyoko looked up at Tanaka & smiled. She had never seen his so calm before. Way he nervous? The young woman couldn't tell, but she was glad she could find time to spend with him.

"Wow Tanaka. Did you make this all yourself?," asked Kiyoko after the two finished taking everything out of the basket.

"I'll admit. I had my sister help with some of it. I'm not much of a cook," said Tanaka bashfully.

"Well it's good to be honest."


The two then reverted their eyes for a few seconds, then looked at the food again.

"It all looks good. But taste is a whole different factor. Let's eat," said Kiyoko with a small smile.

"All right! Time to dig in!," replied Tanaka.

While the two ate, they talked to each other & got to know each other, like, really got to know each other. It made Kiyoko realise how nice Tanaka really is. It also made Tanaka realise how cool Kiyoko is, & it made him look past her beauty & bluntness. It was kinda refreshing for both of them.

After a while, without the two knowticing, Yachi had walked by. She looked at the two & immediatly ran off. She was upset by seeing the love of her life sitting & having a date with someone else. It broke her heart. This would take a while to heal for her.

After the picnic was packed up, Tanaka & Kiyoko decited to take a walk, Kiyoko holding onto Tanaka's arm while he held the basket in the other hand. It wasn't too showie, but it was enough for the both of them.

After the walk, Tanaka walked Kiyoko home. When the two walked up to the front door of the Shimizu residence, Kiyoko's brother dragged her in & started questioning Tanaka in a way that would make you think he was her father.

"You two didn't kiss did you?," asked Kiyoko's older brother.

"No sir. We simply had a picnic & took a walk," replied Tanaka.

"Ok, ok. Now, did you two hug?," asked the older brother.

"No. The most we did was she held onto my arm as we walked. It was innocent."

"Alright now di-."

"Shut up big brother. Tanaka didn't do anything to deserve all of the questioning. It was all completely innocent & cute. He did a good job at giving me a great afternoon," Kiyoko said as she cut off her older brother.

"Ok. I'm just making sure."

"He would never do something to hurt me on purpose, right?"

"Yeah," said Tanaka.

Kiyoko smiled at the second year. He smiled back at her.

"Well, alright, I guess you pass my test. But, if you hurt her, you will pay," said the older Shimizu.

"Don't mind him. This was just the first time I have ever been on a date for a while. He's just being over protective. It's kinda sweet of him," explained Kiyoko.

"You sure he doesn't hate me?," asked Tanaka.

"I'm positive love. There is nothing to worry about."

"Ok. I belive you. I'm going to get going now. Have a wonderful day, my dear!"

"You too peaches!"

KiyoTana fluff? Yes. Am I gonna write some Yachi angst? Maybe. Did this chapter take me forever to finish? Yes, but it was worth it. Now, go be like Tanaka, & drink water! Also, yes. I did give up at the end.

- Big Sibling Authour

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