Chapter 22

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The next day was Monday, after Tanaka & Kiyoko's date, & Yachi thought about skipping practice. She just couldn't think of seeing the love of her life with Tanaka. It made her emotional to think about. But, in the end, she decited to go to practice anyway, since she did need to learn how to be a proper manager by the beginning of her second year.

When she got to practice, she kept her head down as she walked into the gym. She was also confused on why no one was there. Then she decided to check her phone. When she did, she knowticed a message from Kiyoko that was sent two hours after she saw her with Tanaka. It said that there was no practice since the gym was going under maintnence for the next three days. Yachi decided it would be a good idea to exit the gym.

Yachi had decided that since she got to school so early, she would wait for people to arrive by the bike racks.

The young lady had sat there for a good twenty minutes before someone else had showed up. It wasn't anyone Yachi knew, but she looked cool, & she recognised that she was from the third year classes.

It wasn't too long before school was about to start, so when Yachi walked near the first year classes, she noticed Hinata running to class. But, the two bumped into each other.

"Sorry! I wasn't paying attention!," said Yachi.

"No. That was my bad. I should've looked where I was looking," replied Hinata.

"Well, we should probably get to class now"

"Wait. Are you ok? You've been upset since this morning."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Personal problems."

Hinata's eyes widen, since he thought she was on her period, but boy was he wrong.

"I'm sorry! Uhm. Do you need me to get anything for you? I think I've heard my mom talk about this stuff!"

Yachi was confused.

"Hinata, what do you mean?"

"Wait. You aren't on, that time of the month. You said it was personal, & I kinda just assumed, since it can be pretty awkward to talk about, acording to my mom."

That made Yachi feel like laughing.

"Oh, no! It's not that. I just found out the love of my life loves someone else."


"How did you know?!"

Hinata smirked.

"I'm magical."

"Ok magic boy. Let's go to class."

Oddly enough, that conversation made Yachi feel a little better. Although, Yachi still had to go through afternoon practice before she was in the clear.

Yachi ended up walking to practice with the other first years. The walk mainly consisted of Yamaguchi, Hinata, & Yachi having a conversation with Kageyama butting in when Hinata was jokingly talking bad about her, & Tsukishima repeativly telling Yamaguchi to stop talking about embarrasing childhood memories, because they thought it was funny.

"Shut up Tadashi," said Tsukishima.

"Sorry Tsuki," replied Yamaguchi.

"Why are you so apologetic Yamaguchi? I mean, I get it, but you apologise so much," said Hinata.

"Uhm, well. That's a story for another time."

"Tell us when you're comfortable, ok?," said Kageyama.

"That's oddly positive of you Toko chan. Something on your mind?," said Hinata.

"No! Nothing is!," replied Kageyama.

Little did the others know, but will soon find out, Kageyama did have something on her mind.

I didn't feel like writing more. Although, I am ok with where I ended the chapter, intentional or not. I don't really have much to say except for to drink water!

- Big Sibling Authour

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