Chapter 5

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T/w accidential misgendering (I have a feeling that this is gonna happen a lot through out the story, sorry)

    The first day of training camp was rough, with the powerhouse schools all going at each others necks, even if Sejoh & Shiritorizawa aren't there yet. After a couple hours, a bus arives. It is Shiritorizawa. The players who were already playing got to go on break, whether it was to greet the newly arrived players, or just for water. When Ushijima got off the bus, Hinata & Kageyama were right there. Hinata was ready smack talk the older wing spiker.

    "Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobiou, we meet again." Kageyama grimaces. Hinata narrows his eyes at the muscle man when he used Kageyama's birth name.

    "You're not gonna tell him?," asked Hinata.

    "No. I don't need to explain myself to anyone," said Kageyama, confidently, "Besides, he doesn't deserve to know."

    "Know what?"

    There he stood, the ace of Shiritorizawa, the man who broke Tsukishima's finger, the VERY being who jinxed his own team, the, Ushiwaka. Hinata narrowed his eyes at him while Kageyama got into a defencive stance.

    "You heard nothing," spoke the setter defencively.

    "I very much heard something," said the third year.

    Hinata then said, "Come on Tomo Chan. Let's go." Kageyama just let herself get dragged by the older first year.

    When Shiritorizawa was finally settled, that is when Aoba Josai finally arrived. The teams were still on break at that point so they still went out to greet that team. Oikawa wat the first one off. Honestly, he just wanted to intiminate Ushijima, although it didn't work, since he was inside the school.

    Since all of the introductions were over with, the teams went back to playing. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, except that when Aoba Josai & Shiritorizawa were playing againsed each other. Oikawa kept on glaring at Ushijima. Everyone on both teams were laughing their asses off at the two, since it kinda looked like Ushijima was glaring back, but alas, it was just his resting bitch face.

    At the end of the day, Bokuto & Kuroo got Tsukishima, Akaashi, Hinata, & Lev to practice with them. "Wouldn't it be easier to get another setter to help us?," asked Lev.

    Bokuto's eyes widened & asked, "Is Akashi not good enough for us?"

    "It would be easier for us to get another setter & spiker for three on threes."

     Everyone's eyes went to Akaashi. They flinched at the sudden attention.

    "I'm just saying."

    After that conversation, the six players decited to go get food & go to bed.

    The next day, when the managers were cooking breakfast, Suga went into the kitchen. "Hey Sugawara. The food isn't ready yet but-." Suga cut Kiyoko off.

    "Oh, I just came in here to ask if you needed any help." The managers were stunned, since they do it all on their own, usually.

    "That would be great Suga san!," said Yachi as she grabbed a spare apron for the siver haired setter.

     About an hour later, the five teams came in for breakfast, minus Suga, since they helped with the cooking. After they ate, the managers cleaned up while the teams geared up for their next matches. After they warmed up, something unexpected happened.

Guess who got tested for the 'Rona! I'll update this chapter with my results. Wish me luck that I'm negative! Anyways 'Rona aside, I made a reference to an anime called Stars Align in the last chapter. I highly recomend it if you like slice of life & sports animes. It also talks on stuff like different forms of child ab*se & stuff like that. I proudly kin Nao, whom is also a burnt out honours student with mommy & daddy issues who lies to not get in trouble. Anyways, I'll start writing a fic for it soon, but I need ideas. Until I write another chapter!

character pronoun reminder:
yamaguchi: they/he
kageyama: she/her
sugawara: they/them & any neo pronoun (neopronoun? is that one word or two?)
akaashi: they/ey (i didn't explain this one in the story. i will eventually though)

- Big Sibling Authour

Yo! I got tested negative!

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