Chapter 3

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T/W Transphobia & homophobia

    The next day, the team didn't have morning practice, but Hinata & Kageyama both got up early out of habit. Hinata didn't feel like doing anything so early in the morning, so he decides to walk to school & see if the young setter was there. As he was walking to school, he wasked past Coach Ukai's store. "Yo what are you doing up so early? Theres no morning practice!," said the coach as Hinata walked by.

    Hinata looks up st the older man & said, "Oh I'm doing this out of habit." This left the older setter bewildered as Hinata carried on his merry little way.

    Eventually, Hinata met up with Kageyama, only, she was with people he didn't recognise, so he made the oh so rational decition to approach. When he got closer, he realised that those boys were, in fact, horrible people. "C'mon if you're a REAL girl, then you'd like this," the first boy said while pointing at himself.

    "Man he isn't a real girl. Look at her chest. Theres nothing there." Kageyama was absolutly terrified.

    Hinata could see that Kageyama needed to get out of that situation fast so he ran over to Kageyama & said, "Kageyama-chan! Where were you? I thought I was supposed to walk you to school. I am your boyfriend after all." Kageyama mentally facepalmed.

    "Ohh you're his little boyfriend? Well then why don't you go kiss you little-." Hinata then punched that boy, took Kageyama's hand, & bolted away from that place.

    The two first years didn't stop running until they got to school. "Thanks dumbass." Hinata looked at Kageyama in a slight supprise.

    "For what?," he asked.

    "From saving me from those horrible boys. I was actually really afraid."

    Hinata softened his eyes a little bit & said, "Not my fault I'm just a good person."

    Kageyama just rolled her eyes & said, "Whatever dumbass." They then proceded to play with a vollyball until people started arriving.

    Afternoon practice couldn't come fast enough. Hinata & Kageyama were still hung up about this morning. There wasn't much Kageyama could do, since she was scared & was getting harassed by a bunch of frat boys that just wouldn't leave her alone. Practice felt off too, but no one except for Hinata, Kageyama, & Yamaguchi knowtised. "What's wrong Kageyama?," asked Yamaguchi.

    The setter then looked at the middle blocker & said, "I got harassed by a bunch of punks on the way to school. Why do you ask?"

    Yamaguchi then looked at Kageyama with a questioning glance & asked for the apperences of the boys. After she gave the discriptions of the boys, Yamaguchi became as pale as a wall. "I used to hang out with those boys. I was sure they changed. I am so sorry Kageyama."

    Kageyama's shoulders relaxed a little but her expression changed to sceptical. "Do you know those boys Yamaguchi?"

    The middle blocker said, "Yeah, I used to hang out with them. When I told them that I was enby, & that I liked our mutual friend slash my boyfriend, Terushima, they kind of started to leave me out of things, which is why I hang out with Tsuki so much."

     Kageyama then looked less skeptical. "Don't pay any mind to them, since they're all talk." Kageyama & Yamaguchi then went back to practice.

    After practice, Hinata took the liberty of walking Yamaguchi to his "house," since Tsukishima & Kageyama already left when the two middle blockers decited to finish practicing. Yamaguchi said to Hinata that he didn't need to walk him the whole way but Hinata insisted, not knowing what he had been hiding from the rest of the team since the beginning, becides for Tsukishima of course.

    When they got there, Yamaguchi invited Hinata in, since it would be rude not to. When Hinata walked in, he saw a punk teenager sitting on a yellow couch. "Hey babe, how was school today?" the punk asked Yamaguchi.

    "It was good. Before we continue, I have someone to introduce to you. This is Hinata Shouyou. Hinata, this is my boyfriend Terushima Yuuji."

    Terushima walked up to Hinata & said, "Hey, what's up shortie. I'm sure my Tadashi has beed a nice friend to you. You're not too bad yourself."

    He then winked at Hinata, laughed, & said, "I'm just kidding, I wouldn't hurt Tadashi like that."

    Hinata ended up staying an extra two & a half hours before he went home. We wanted to ask Tadashi some things but he knew he would've been rude. He arrived home so late that he had his dinner & went straight to bed. Good thing he did most of his homework with Yamaguchi & Terushima.

That once again took me longer than expected. It was fun to write most of it at two in the morning too. Anyways I should make a list of the pronouns that have changed so far. It just makes me a little confused at times when I'm writing so here you go:

Kageyama: she/her
Sugawara: they/them & any neopronoun
Yamaguchi: any pronoun (mainly he/him)

Also, I would just like to say that when I wrote that part where the boys are harassing Kageyama, I had a hard time writing that, since I didn't want it to be too realistic & for there to be no diffencive walls. Also I hate Terushima but I was glad that this isn't canon so that's nice.

-Big Sibling Arthor

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