Chapter 8

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T/w transphobia

    Lunch was awkward. Apperently Washijo found Semi while he was still mad & ranted to them how girls couldn't play vollyball better than boys. Now mind you, Semi wan't a boy either. But Washijo didn't know that. Semi waited for the perfect moment in the coaches rant & said, "You know I'm not a boy right?"

    "...what? How could you not be! You look like one to me! Why wou-."

    Just then, Ushijima & Shirabu walked by. They knowticed that Semi was bejng yelled at, so they approached.

    "What's going on coach?," asked Shirabu.

    "This teammate of yours claims that he isn't a boy."

    "She isn't. She is non binary. Do you know what that is sir?"

    "No Shirabu. Because it isn't real! No ones born just nana banana. Semi was born a boy, so there for he is one."

    Now, if looks could kill, Washijo would be dead where he stood. Ushijima & Shirabu were just staring daggars into the head of the short elderly man. They didn't break that stare until Shirabu said, "Semi, let's go."

    After they got some disrance away from Washijo, Semi started crying, which caused Shirabu to pull the older setter into a hug. A very awkward hug, but still a hug.

    "Don't listen to what coach says. He doesn't know you like you know yourself. Also, next time he says something like that, lemme punch him."

    Semi laughed at that. Who knew Shirabu could be so nice? Then Ushijima walked up to the two setters & hugged them. Well, more like squeezed them.

    "Ushijima, um, your squeezing a little too hard," said Semi. They weren't mad about that though.

    Ushijima let go of the setters & apologised. They continued to talk throughout lunch.

    On the other side of the school, Kageyama ran into Anahori, from Fukarodani. The young setter wanted to ask the other young setter something & this seemed like the perfect time. "Um, Kageyama san. May I ask you something?"

    "Sure. What is it?"

    "How did you grow your hair out so long? I wanna grow mine out like that but it will take a while. If you don't want to sha-."

    Kageyama cut off the other setter by saying, "Put coconut oil in your hair when you shower & make sure you brush it. Comb it when possible, especially when it is still wet."

    Anahori had another question. "Thank you for telling me that. Also, how do you get your team to use female pronouns for you? They just seem so natural for your team."

    Kageyama's eyes widened when relization hit her. "Oh another one? Alright, anyways. I would just suggest telling them, but be careful when telling your coach. If you want to start slowly, I suggest telling your managers or another first year on your team. Does that make sense Anahori chan?"

    Anahori just smiled & nodded a yes. She then ran to go find a first year from her team but ran into Akaashi in the process.

    "Sorry Akaashi kun! Have you seen-."

    "San. Akaashi san Anahori."

    "Oh! Sorry Akaashi san! I was just looking for-. Oh nevermind. Can I tell you something?"

    "Sure." Akaashi looked interested in what his kohai had to say.

    "Well, I wanna use she/her pronouns. I understand if you think that's weird but I-."

    Akaashi cut off the younger setter.

    "It's not weirder than me using they/them & ey/em pronouns, right?"

    Anahori's eyes got wider. He didn't know that information.


    Akaashi gave their kouhai a small smile.

    "Looks like you found the right upperclassman to talk to. If you're having problems, talk to me about them, alright? I've been at this a lot longer than you."

     Anahori just nodded a yes as Akaashi walked past.

Hi! Guess whos writing this instead of doing their work! I am. I'm two months behind but I don't wanna do work. Anyways, I know Washijo isn't canonicly that much of an ass but I kinda based him off of how I think my grandpa would react to me being non binary. Also, I am glad I decited to do a little more research on the different schools in Haikyuu. Because of that, I found little baby Anahori (he is mainly relavant in the nationals). I also found the actual vice caption of Shiratorizawa, Soekawa. Apperently in the manga translation, it got changed for some reason. Also I finally learned how to spell Iwaizumi correctly. Also I got over eighty reads, which is insane to me. Thank you so much for reading! I'll write more soon but I will be writing less, since I'm trying to catch up on work before the end of the quarter. Anyways, remember to drink water & take a nap you insamniacs. Remember to be as sassy as Daichi (I'm rewatching Haikyuu & holy shit, he roasted the hell out of Asahi).

pronouns (sees tbat a decent amout of them you your kins be like 👁👄👁)
Kageyama: she/her
Sugawara: they/them & any neopronouns
Akaashi: they/them ey/em
Semi: they/them she/her
Yamaguchi: they/them he/him
Kenma: they/them
Anahori: she/her
Nishinoya: they/them ey/em

- Big Sibling Authour

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