•The Cold•

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Dedicated to books_1 and books_and_bands for letting me make you book covers :)

Warning- I did not check my spelling, sorry...

Song: Blood by My Chemical Romance

Later that night, after dinner and after Raven went to bed, I found myself outside once again. The night was peaceful; a warm breeze caressed my skin and made the leaves on the trees dance. My mind drifted back to earlier that evening when Blake, Raven, and I started eating dinner.

"Wow!" Raven exclaims after taking a bite from the pasta. "This is delicious!"

I look across the table at her and smile. Blake, who usually sat there but now sits at the head of the table, scowls. I frown before sending her a warning look.

"It's just spaghetti," Blake mutters as she plays with her food. I let out a small sigh before turning back my attention to Raven.

"Do you eat spaghetti in heaven?"

Raven pauses from scooping forkfuls of noodles into her mouth and looks up at me. She seems to be debating her answer, before gulping down her mouthful and saying, "No, not spaghetti. We usually eat fruits and vegetables, and not much because that would be considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins; gluttony. I never liked having to only have one piece of fruit for breakfast and a bowl of salad for dinner, but angels don't have to eat much. Now I'm like a human, right? I have to eat more than usual."

Blake snorts. "I bet it tastes heavenly. Why do angels have to eat anyways?"

Raven shrugs. "Well it's either that or sleep, and everyone is scared of sleeping. We all need a little bit of energy. No one wants to worry about sleeping too much, which is also a deadly sin; Sloth, so we go with what we can control. Plus, sleeping takes up more time, even if you do control how long you sleep."

"What, do you not have an alarm clock? And what's so special about the fruits and vegetables in heaven?" Blake question, waving her fork in the air. I glare at the fork and she immediately sets it down.

"Well the fruits and vegetables we eat come from the Garden of Eden. And what's an alarm clock?"

Blake smacks her forehead once again and shakes her head. "Never mind, never mind. But anyways, how are you going to sleep tonight if you're scared?"

Raven's face pales. "I... I have to sleep?!"

"Well duh... you said you have to eat like humans, right? It would only make sense if-"

I cut Blake off. "Enough. Raven, I don't know if you must sleep or not but I'm guessing you will. Sleeping is a peaceful time, and you were sleeping when we first met you. Do you remember waking up from a moving image or darkness? That's you sleeping."

Raven looks excited once again. "Really? I like sleeping, then! I dreamed all about animals that I saw from heaven like birds! And then I became a bird! Ooh! I want to go to sleep right now!"

Raven jumps up and darts into the living room where she jumps onto the couch. With a small smile I get up and walk over to her to see she was already passed out.

"I guess she didn't know she was tired," I murmur to myself before turning around. Blake is already a the front door, abandoning her untouched dinner. She pulls on a pair of black combat boots and zips up a grey sweatshirt.

"I'm going hunting," She mutters to me and slams the door behind her.

She still hasn't come back. Even though I worry about her, I know to give her some space and not go after her. Thus said, I decide to wander around in the forest near the house.

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