•The Demon•

339 15 30

This chapter only started off with 600 words but the starting scene made it 2000, haha. I did update it more, so the chapter is longer than usual.

Song: The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy

{This chapter isn't edited at all, so please let me know if I spelt something wrong or if there is other grammar mistakes!}


The lights failed to relax me as I walked through the park.

Usually, the candlelit lanterns hung throughout the grassy area fended off demons, not including me. But I could feel the evil presence near, and the thought of a demon being anywhere on this special night frightened me. Children would be wandering around tonight, going door to door in hope for sweets from adults that were angry for being interrupted. The people at this part of town were snobs; which is exactly why the children wandered over here.

Unfortunately, the demons also knew that.

My skirt prevented me from walking fast and shortened my strides. I glanced around the trees, hoping to spot.... I don't know. I would be lying if I said I wanted to face a demon and it would pain me to see an innocent child. So perhaps I just wanted to see nothing.

Because if the evil aura infecting the air, I knew better than to suspect everything was alright. It was never alright.

I finally am able to catch a small voice in the wind.

"Trick or treat!" The feminine voice of a child called out. I quickened my feet to reach the voice and find myself running soon enough.

No breath escaped my lips as I try to be as silent as possible while running in order to try and catch the voice again. Nervousness overcomes me when I can't catch any sound, including the voice.

The voice seems close due to my hearing, but in reality it could be miles away. As I run, trees seeming to blend together like water colors in a painting. I could not tell the difference between lantern hooks and trees soon enough and barely acknowledge the glowing lanterns that fail to keep demons at bay.

It seems like an hour before I reach the little girl dressed as a shepherd. She wore a dress the color of a virgin with blonde hair tied up in a tight braid. She carried a shepherd hook and a woven basket filled with treats like cookies or peppermint sticks or lollipops, all seeming not to add up to the sweetness of the girl.

In front of the shepherd girl was a man. He seemed to be the opposite of her; he wore black trousers and a black dress shirt that combined with his dark, disheveled hair seemed to almost allow him to blend into the shadows. His pale skin seemed to glow in the darkness, though, instantly giving away his position.

The area around the couple appeared to be lightless and instead was only light by the full moon. I fin myself questioning what sane parent would let their child roam around alone in the dead of the night- even if it what Halloween- but am quickly reminded of my own father who couldn't give a damn who I was as long as I stay out of his way.

"Hello, sir. My, you look an awful lot like a monster," the little girl said, tilting her head slightly to the side. Upon further investigation, I could further see that, indeed, the demon did not fully take over the human body. His demon face seemed to show through a little- scowling with ginormous fangs and swirling red irises. I was shocked the girl couldn't immediately feel the darkness in front of her but blame the ignorance on her naivety.

The monster in front of her bares its fangs, showing off his enormous mouth that could easily chomp of her head in one bite. That image sent chills down my back which encouraged me to speak up when the demon seems about ready to lunge at the shepherd.

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