•The Beginning•

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(Sort of edited???)
October 31st, 1915

The chains rattled on my wrists as they dragged me to the hearing. I kept a straight face, but I'm sure that if I was using my heart it would have been beating like mad. Even though I couldn't feel the temperature I shivered at the sight of the dungeon cells as we passed then. Would I be locked up in one of those for centuries? It would be still be worth it. I'm practically immortal, while the girl is not.

I was dragged to a halt in front of a large, wooden door. I looked towards the demon who dragged me here. He was ugly for a demon, and that's saying something. His eyes looked practically closed on his scarlet skin, and his bottom lip engulfed his top. Two fangs stuck out from his bottom lip, and large, bushy eyebrows formed a unibrow above his eyes. Long frizzy black hair was sticking everywhere and you could barely see the two horns on the top of his head. Overall, he was hideous.

He growled at me and pointed at the door before pointing back at me. I sighed and faced the door, before pushing it open. The room I entered was a large circle. A single wooden chair sat infront of the high seats of the Council. The shadows prevented me from seeing to the faces of the Council. The dim room was lit by candles hung on the walls casting eerie shadows around. The guard nudged me forward with his spear so I was forced to sit on the chair. I looked up at the coucil with a blank look on my face, waiting for someone to speak.

Someone leaned forward in the stands, but the shadows stilled covered his face. "Please state your name," he said in a deep voice.

"Lilith Nyx," I said monotonesly. I swear I heard a few gasps in the group, but the speaker ignores it and continues with my questioning.

"Do you know why you are here, Miss Nyx?"

I refrained from clenching my fists. "Yes," I said, but I did not elaborate. Apparently that was alright.

I hear a shuffling of papers before speaking out, "Miss Lilith Nyx, you are hear due to breaking laws 45 and... Two."

Now I know people in the stands gasped. I'm sure he would never forgive me for the embarrassment of breaking two of the stupid 666 laws of satan.

"Law 45 of Satan's Law addresses that, 'Demons shall not interrupt other demon's hunting unless thou has spoken a valid reason,' and while, Miss Nyx, you would've been able to guess a testimony... due to you breaking law number Two... I'm afraid anything you now say shall be unheard. I assume, Miss Nyx, you know what law number Two states?"

He doesn't give me time to answer.

"Satan's Second Law states that, 'Demons shall not save any human unless directed by satan,' Miss Nyx you know the severe punishment for breaking one of the first two laws of Satan's Laws?"

"Yes," I said, still without any expression.

"Good, good, but I'm afraid the court has decided to alter your punishment."

Maybe the long pause after saying that was supposed to be the time where I dropped to my knees and begged for mercy. A punishment change? That's never good. But nevertheless I simply crossed my legs and stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Bring forth the rose... and the human," the deep voice continues. My eyes widen for a fraction if a second before returning to their normal size. What was a human doing in hell? They should be dead.

"Miss Nyx, a few representatives and I are going to preform a small ritual. I ask of you to remain still before you punishment increases."

I don't move an inch as six people, er, demons, walk down from the stands. Five of them wear black robs that cover their head while one wears a deep red. They form a circle around my chair before they start chanting in a language I've never head of. How could I have not heard that language?

Their chants start low and echo off the room before increasing. A burning feeling starts to take over me when they finally stop walking and their chanting seems to be more like yelling. The burning feeling develops until my body feels like it's scorching in holy fire, and I let out a scream. I try to refrain but the pain is too hurtful and feel my vision start to go black. But before I can actually faint, the chanting stops and so does the burning. I open my eyes a few seconds later to no longer see the six members of the Council surrounding me, but instead the pale blue eyes of a human carrying a white rose. The human looks like a teenager, with her blonde hair pulled back into a loose ponytail and her mouth covered with a white rag. Her arms are bound before her with chains and she's dressed in rags. Her eyes plead with me, but I don't know what for.

"Miss Lilith Nyx, please touch the rose and the girl."

My eyebrows scrunch in confusion at what the deep voice asks, but nonetheless I place my left finger tips of the rose and my right on the girl's shoulder. When I pull my hands back, the girl gives a shudder.

And then she lets out a muffled scream.

She drops to her knees and let's go of the rose. Her blonde hair starts to turn gray and her skin starts to pale. She coughs and heaves, and I see something red start to stain the rag in her mouth. The rose by her fingers starts to turn black- the whole thing. The petals, the leaves, the stem, before shriveling up. It dies. I feel my head itch and tingle, and when I look down at my hair I see it's brown. I quickly drop my hair and look back at the human. My hair wasn't brown before, it was blonde.

The feel of the girl grabbing my ankle is what snaps me out of my trance. I look down at her to see her looking up at me. Her eyes are no longer a pale blue, they're gray and filled with blood. The blood starts dripping down her white skin and I realize they're tears. I reach my hand out to wipe away her tears, but just when my hand touches we skin she drops dead. Her eyes stare up at me and jump back.

"Miss Lilith Nyx, you must be wondering why the puny human is dead." I don't say anything and he continues, "I'm afraid to say but the some members of the Council believe you are not violent enough like demons are supposed to be, even though you're a half breed. That being said, we have decided to give you the Dark Curse."

I gasp and stand up. No, the Dark Curse is illegal! The Creator strictly forbids using the killing curse! A hand grabs my arm, pulling me back. I refrain from yelling and kicking and trying to be released, and instead look back at the human girl on the floor.

"A war is brewing, Miss Nyx, and I believe you and some other demons have the power to make it much, much more gruesome then it should've been. That's why the Council decided to send you to the human world. We shall touch base in about a hundred years. Until then..."

The two doors slam shut.

Hi :D

So here's the prologue....

If there's anything you're confused about, it will probably be explained later but I dunno


Peace ~Makayla

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