•The Feather•

416 24 15

Dedicated to NamelessTea for the support with The Dark Curse :)
Song: Cloud Nine by Evanescence
{I realize this now after writing a few other chapters, but I listen to Evanescence a lot while writing...}
Three days pass by before I know it. Each day is eventless as usual. The girl hasn't woken up, and I'm forced to feed her soup and water while she's unconscious. Along with that is dread of having to change the bed pan I was forced to use. When I'm not taking care of the anonymous girl I'm thinking about her. After all, last time I checked young girls surrounded by feathers and appearing out of nowhere is not common. Thus said, I suppose it is the 21st century and I'm not really up to date with many things.

I knew the girl had to be related to some supernatural creature- that much was self explanatory. When I ran through the list of known creatures, I didn't come up with much. After all, genetic mutations can easily be sped up with demon or angel blood which is why I didn't hear about shapeshifters until a few years ago. Although I don't exactly know the whole scientific process in how they were made, I'm guessing some genus demon came up with the idea of combining the blood of a human and several animals. After dozens upon dozens of failed experiments that probably took over the range of decades, the demon or demons finally produced a hybrid human, also known as a shapeshifter.

Which makes me wonder, did they start the stories of werewolves and other myths like that? Because as far as paranormal science goes, a vampire is impossible to make. I've read many books about creatures like that, and the myths still confuses me with the many different versions.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts once again when I accidentally drop the spoon I was holding onto the floor. Its sounds echoes throughout the small house and I quickly finish feeding the girl a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Blake picked it up from the small store a couple miles away yesterday when I sent her out with a list. You could tell she was getting anxious for the girl to wake up because her body was constantly tense and I found her wandering around the house. Not that that was unusual, she was part cat after all.

I walking into the kitchen and rinse the bowl I was using. As I dry it with a worn towel, I look out the window above the sink, to jump back from shock. A crow sits outside the window look directly at me with its beady black eyes. The sun made its feathers look a tinted blue color, but also made it stand out from the green background behind him. The crow suddenly pecked at window and let out a loud squawk, before turning around and flying off into the forest.

The crow scares me a lot more then it should of. I mean, it's just one innocent crow, what's wrong with it? I push the thoughts of the crow into the back of my mind and try concentrating on sown thing else. The absence of my non-beating heart still surprises me, as I'm sure that if it still worked it would be beating rapidly like a woodpecker on a tree. I dry my hands on the towel and try to get over the feeling of loss that washes over me at that thought.

"Honey, I'm home!" Blake calls out making me jump.

"Shh!" I hush her before pointing at the girl on the couch. Blake rolls her eyes before walking towards me, a paper bag in her hands.

"I got you some more books," she whispers, handing me the bag. "I'm going to go hunt. I'll be back in awhile."

I nod at Blake as she exits the house. After she leaves I sit on the other couch in the living room before sorting through my new books. Most of them are fantasy or paranormal, but there are a few non-fiction books, mostly about history so I can remember what has happened throughout time. The paranormal and fantasy books are just for humor, so I can laugh at the way human twists the paranormal creatures I know of. I get up and place the new books on the bookshelf in the corner of the room.

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