•The Cat•

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Sorry it's short(ish?), but there's like a 99 year time jump and there needs to be a filler :P

>Kind of edited<
December 22, 2005

I met her a several years later.

Or maybe it was a several decades later. I don't know, when you are immortal and stuck in a forest alone, you tend to not have the best sense of time.

I was sitting on the window ledge of a cabin I found, reading a book. That's usually how I passed my time, after all, you can't kill books. As I sat reading one of the books I've read three times already since I couldn't go out in public and buy new books, a figure stumbled across the fresh snow outside. It had just snowed that morning, much to my displeasure. It was proof that it was cold out, and that I had to wait for spring.

The figure stopped and fell to the ground in exhaustion. That's when I saw it was a cat. It's white fur practically blended in with the snow, but with my enhanced sight, I could see her. Even in the dark.

With wide eyes, I rushed outside in only a dark green silk dress that went to my feet and had thin sleeves. But I knew how to block out temperatures, so it didn't bother me. I kneeled next to cat, which was actually as small as a kitten. Her large black eyes stared up at me, wide ad innocent. I cautiously touched her fur, afraid I would kill her. But when I touched her, nothing happened and instead the kitten tried to get closer to me for warmth. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms before walking inside.

I stayed by her side all night as she slept, even though I needed sleep myself. Because I rarely ate the diet of a normal demon, my energy drained quickly so I slept to gain it back. But nonetheless, I felt obligated to staying by her the whole night. I never had company; everything ran away from me. Well, except plants but i don't think they count. I was surely going to use this blessing to an advantage.

I must've dosed off sometime in the middle of the night, because when I woke up I was looking into the bright, black eyes of a little girl. The black blanket I had underneath the cat was draped over her shoulders, but I could guess she was probably naked underneath it.

I looked to the floor to see that the kitten had disappeared, but when I looked into the girl's eyes again, they looked hauntingly familiar. Her white hair matched the color of the kitten's fur too....

"What is your name?" I asked the little girl.

She grinned at me before replying, "My name's Blake. Hey missy, I can turn into a kitty cat!"

I nodded at her slowly. At this point I didn't know that there were shape shifters.

"Where is your mother?" I asked Blake.

"Mummy said she doesn't want a kitty, she wants a little girl so she put me in a box and stuck the box in a forest. When will my mum come back for me?" She asked innocently, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"I don't know darling. I reckon she will show up for a while. Why don't we look for some appropriate attire for you... a blanket won't do." I got to my feet and pulled Blake up with me. As she followed me into my bedroom, she talked to me.

"What's your name? Do you have any dresses? I wanna play dress up! Mama says that I'm too young to wear her heels. I'm five not two!"

"My name is Lilith. I do not have any dresses, but I could sew one for you. Shall we play dress up afterwards, though? Maybe I'll let you wear my heels." I give her a small smile, while taking out some fabric for her dress and my sewing supplies.

"Yeah let's play dress up later! Hey, can my dress be blue? I like that color. Hey, you speak good English you know. You sound important."

"Important?" I laugh. "And I speak English well. Now, what shade of blue? Blue is too vague. Do you want a lighter sky blue, more of a turquoise? I have navy and an ocean blue too. Or do you want something like sea glass, that really light and has a tint of green in it?"

I point to each if the colors I name off, and Blake looks at me with wide eyes. Finally, after staring at the colors for what seems like hours, she picks the sea glass one. I smile at her and grab more of the fabric.

As I make the dress in the window seat, Blake plays with a couple dolls she found in a cupboard that I didn't go into much. It made me wonder who lived here before I did, and why did they leave?

"Hey Lilith!" Blake called all of a sudden before skipping to me. "Are you almost done with my dress? Ooooh! It looks pretty!"

I smiled at her.

"Yes, Blake. I bet you'll look very pretty in the dress..."

"Yay! Hey Lilith... are you my best friend?" She looked up at me with an adorable grin on here face.

"Yes of course, Blake."

"Yay!" Blake gives me a large hug. "We're going to be friend forever!"


How are youuuuu?

... Good :D

*watches as no one comments except my friends*

Yeah that's great...


PEACE *insert peace fingers*

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