•The Camp•

356 19 108

Song: And the Snakes Start to Sing by Bring Me The Horizon

"Did you catch your own reflection in the knife my mother held, or the hell in my father's eyes?"

^ You can't tell me that doesn't chill you at least a little bit...

The chapter is longer than usual, so you know. That's why I didn't read it over for grammar mistakes, whoops. Please let me know if you find any once again....


I'm not sure how long we run. It must be for awhile, knowing that when we stop even Blake is out of breath and I no longer recognize the part of the forest we stand in.

Blake hunches over to catch her breath while Nathaniel lets Raven down from his back. She couldn't keep up after awhile so Nathaniel picked her up to keep up. If he's out of breath, he doesn't show it. Though, I doubt he isn't knowing that his chest slightly shakes as he inhales each breath as if it is difficult to control his breathing.

"What the hell was that?!" Blake asks after she finally catches her breath. She immediately looks over to Raven and corrects herself. "Heck. I mean heck."

I shake my head and look around my new surroundings. "Not sure."

A sense of panic rests itself in my check like a ton of bricks, suffocating me like a plastic bag despite breathing not being a need. I'm not panicking from not knowing where I am- though that surely worried me- I panick over the fact of having nowhere to go. Of having no where to belong, no where to call home. I don't know why this worries me. Especially when I lived in hell, I didn't really belong. But at least I had somewhere to settle down and call home. Now, and when I was forced on to Earth, I was clueless as to where to go. A sense of helplessness overcomes me as I look around me once more and finally tried to get over the fact that I was lost and no destination.

I try to hide my anxiety, knowing that the others are relying on me to guide them. This was one reason why I didn't want people to rely on me. How could I let them down? How could I tell them we lost everything except the bags in our hands?

After a silence fills between us, only accompanied by the natural sounds of the forest, Blake finally speaks up. "Well, I guess we're just going to have to find a new home."

That was one of the differences between Blake and me. While she loved not having a proper destination- welcomed it, actually- I was the opposite and despised useless wandering.

I hide away my stupid worrying and nod at Blake, anyways. And with that, we continue walking in the direction we were originally running. I try to keep track of trees and rocks and other things we pass but it's difficult between my wandering mind and the fact that almost everything looks the same.

"Sooo," Nathaniel draws out. "Do you have any clue as to where we are going, Lily?"

I try to ignore him despite the fact that he uses my ridiculous pet name. Apparently, he takes that as a sign to continue as if he didn't speak up loud enough.

"Uh, Lily? Where are we going? Are we almost there yet?" He calls like a child. I find myself sighing and turning around after he repeats the same lines over and over again in different combinations and voices.

"No," I growl out. "No, I don't know where we are going and if we are almost 'there' yet, but I'd appreciate it if you would just shut up."

Blake looks between the two of us with an unreadable expression. "Well, someone hit a nerve," She mutters under her breath. Still, I hear her and shoot a glare at her.

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