Chapter 16

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Evie didn't know is she should be happy or not as she laid there, beside Lucas.

A part of her was thrilled to know that Lucas felt the exact same way about her that she felt about him. Another part of her was worried for both their well-being.

The love between a vampire and a werewolf seemed to have an endless set of problems.

First of all, she was immortal, able to stay youthful and live life as she pleased until she was staked to her death. Lucas, he wasn't. He would grow old and age, having a lifespan that was much shorter than hers.

Vampires were also solitary creatures, preferring to travel alone. Even Evie's own group was a misfit of nature, and there was only three of them. But Lucas, him and his pack stuck together like glue and relied on each other. She was sure that neither her nor his pack would thrilled if they decided to move into a steady relationship.

What scared Evie the most though, was the fact that one bite from Lucas could end it all for her. The teeth inside the mouth she had kissed so many times contained a venom that could make her go mad, bringing her to a painful death.

Evie's attention went back to Lucas as she felt him shift from beside her, and all her worries began to fade. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they danced across his skin, feeling the warmth he emitted.

"That tickles." Lucas giggled, making Evie smile. It didn't last long though, as Lucas's face became serious again. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Evie asked him as she cuddled against his body. "You said it yourself, this bond that we have, it's something determined before we were even born. It's not your fault."

"But it's a problem." Lucas mumbled, hugging her back. "I almost killed you because of it."

"But you didn't." Evie said, her love for the male being enough for her to throw all sanity away. "And that's all that matters."

"Whatever you say." Lucas whispered, clearly too tired to argue. "As long as you're not mad."

"I was." Evie admitted. "But how can I stay mad at such a handsome face for so long."

Lucas laughed, a genuine deep laugh, making Evie's body fill with happiness as she felt his body vibrate against hers.

"Mm, I'm so glad I found you." Lucas told her. "I can't believe how many years I spent without you."

"Me too." Evie agreed as she settled between his arms, the two of them ready to allow sleep to take over.


When Lucas woke up, he was surprised to see that Evie was no longer beside him. He glanced around, taking in his surroundings.

He heard voices from outside her room, but the second he adjusted his position in his bed, they stopped.

Did they hear me?

A few moments later, the door opened and Evie stepped in, still wearing her nightgown.

Jealous filled Lucas as he realized someone else had seen the girl like that, and it didn't go unnoticed by Evie either.

"Your eyebrows are too furrowed for someone that just woke up." Evie pointed out as she sat on the bed. She cupped his face with a hand before leaning down, giving him a chaste kiss.

"That's because I was disappointed." Lucas said, tugging her arm. Evie took the signal, lying down beside him. "I woke up without you."

"Sorry, I got thirsty." Evie said, licking her lips. This only made Lucas tense, much too attracted to her for his own good.

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