Chapter 29 - Broken Mirrors

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(A/N) Hello

First off Happy St Patrick's Day!

Second, I'm sorry if this chapter has spelling mistakes or things that don't make sense! I tried to edit but my whole family thought it was the best time to talk and draw my attention away from this and if I stopped I would of probs forgot about the whole story cause my brain isnt as it use to be lol

Third and final, I know some of you aren't a fan of this ship and I'm not so fond of it too (ever since I saw the New York special) but I just had to put it in to make these little beans not be lonely and also I added the Violin cause of course I love Luka fanart of him playing it lol.




It was bound to happen.

Why was she playing a game where she knew that she would lose in the end? She had seen it, had knew it in her heart herself but she didn't expect it to tear her to pieces like it did.

The red string of fate, the Japanese legend, she knew where it would lead to.


Shutting her eyes, Kagami began to play a string from her violin, a long sad tune that allowed her to let out her emotions without showing them herself.

Now locked in her room again after another lecture from her mother that Gabriel had let his son out in the middle of an akuma attack. How he even convinced her it was for the public eye when it was more so to target her own daughter.

Tomoe knew her daughter could defend herself if it came to a fight but that didn't go without a stern speaking to on her end.

She had to be up front with her, one slip up and it was all over. Defeat, failure, disappointment, and then repeat! This would get her no where in life if she let it get to her.

She had to be perfect, not broken!

Eyes snapped open from the word, the cords stopped all together and just like that her arms swung around with the instrument in her hands, smashing the first thing in its path.

A mirror!

She watched the glass drop from the wall, her reflection breaking with it and onto the floor. Now the mirror had some sort of use, showing her just how broken she really was.

Her knees collapsed on the ground missing the shards of glass that were scattered on the floor. A clank sounded as her now broken violin fell from her grip.

She was sobbing, her hand covering her mouth so her mother wouldn't hear her cry, to hear how truly defeated she really was. Because she shouldn't be crying, she should be stronger than this.

But her tears failed to stay hidden, her sobs broke free from the pain she was feeling and now she was a shaky mess on the floor to her destroyed room.


Chat Noir leaped through her open window, landing gracefully on her soft carpet on all fours. He was such a cat sometimes and those tendencies seem to stick while he was in the suit.

That was one of the reasons he enjoyed being Chat Noir.

Green eyes scanned the area, noticing first the broken mirror in the corner of her room, his orbs travelled down towards the sobbing girl on the floor.

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