Chapter 22 - Twist in Time

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(A/N) I'm back after that torturing few weeks with that last cliff hanger, here is where we start to explain everything and I pray you don't hunt me down at the end. (Not the offical end lol)

I seriously haven't slept all night so I decided to finish this chapter off so I can make you suffer yet again lol.

But on a different note ive been receiving  so much love from all your feed back and it has really boosted my self esteem lately and put a smile on my face so I thank you all for your kind words and support.

Bit of a smaller chapter then my normal 2000 Words but I had to end it where I did so I got the edge of your seat reaction from you all. Sorry not sorry lol



Few hours Earlier...


"Where are you going." Called Alya as Marinette stomped her way out of her room in a sudden fit of anger.

Her teeth were gritted together as the door swung open. "To skin a cat!" Marinette yelled.

Then the door slammed shut, leaving a very confused Alya behind.


How could he do this to her, making her look like the fool when they were both chasing after the other side of each other.

They were both in the wrong not just her, but Chat Noir or Adrien; she didn't know what to call him anymore, had known about her feeling for him since the very beginning, he could of easily approached her as his cilvian self.

So it was his fault.

"That stupid cat." Marinette grumbled in anger. "If I could get my hands on him, i'll... I'll... whoa!"

Somone skated around the corner, missing Marinette by a mere inch, but her clumsy self still managed to hit the ground when she tried to jump out of the way.

"Oh, there you are Marinette, I was looking for you." Alix, screeched to a hult and picked up the bluenette off the ground. "Sorry, I was just in a rush-" Her voice dropped out and her hand went into her pocket. "-I think... t-there is something important we need to discuss."

There the pocket watch lingered in her hand and Marinette looked at the thing wided eyed, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water while she pointed at the glowing watch inside her friends palm.

"I know this will probably sound silly and weird to you-" She leant in that bit closer to the bluenette and whispered. "-but my watch spoke to me."

She watched Marinette's face go from unsure and shocked to confident in a matter of seconds and without another word she grabbed Alix wrist and dragged her through the streets.

"What? Where are we going?" She puffed, trying to keep up with the bluenette. "Aren't you a little creeped out I'm telling you this?"

Alix's small frame got dragged to the closes alleyway, pulling her along so no one could see them enter the dark area. Marinette was lucky the the clouds were rolling through making the place more darker then normal.

She slid her back across the brick wall, peering out to see if they were alone and away from everyone else.

"Seriously, what are you doing? Why are we here?" Questions were being raised by the pink hair skater girl.

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